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10/2 Patch


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So yeah, is there a reason why every other class got what was in KR patchnotes except assassins... just loving fighting FM's now.



Leaf Shift
– Dispel inability to use charging skill

Leaf Sunder
– Dispel inability to use charging skill

Awakened Shadow/Lightning Kill (F)
– increase damage

Obviously pay no heed to the last part but the first one is tab switch if im not mistaken? Obviously those would give a chance fighting FM's (who actually know what they are doing) atm.

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It really feels and seems like a technical issue hidden under a fake and ridiculous "sins are in a good place" excuse. Assuming korean sin's are even higher tier in pvp with full skill point access and yet they still get the leaf shift tweak while we dont even get a cirketing single line change... Sins arent even working as intended.  At least just ****ing fix our instant tab+1 stealth bug first imo.

I dont even get to use my tab+1 swap starter in quick succession, which is no where indicated in tooltips and obviously a game bug about registering swapped our body location too late. This even affects the time needed to pass to start doing ani cancel too.

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