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Member Ration Crimson vs Cerulean


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in my server, (Yehara) its almost impossible doing faction dailies without getting bodied by another 10 crimsons. Crimson members are literally outside spawn waiting for Cerulean members to get out. Its very frustrating not being able to do anything because the ration would almost be 1 Cerulean: 5 Crimsons. life is tough being a Cerulean in Yehara u barely get any dailies done...

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I think it is partly because of the vibe that the recruiter gives off (seems kind of like a snobbish rich guy faction whereas the crimson lyn is like "for the people!") and partly because the Crimson starter uniform is prettier than the Cerulean starter uniform but the numbers are slanted on master hong server as well.


I want the Cerulean officer uniform for my lyn however as it is gorgeous~


I am sorry you are having difficulty with numbers and getting things done, that is unfortunate.

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