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This is my Video on as Blade Master taking Mushin 7F


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Here is a little guide i wrote.


tl;dr: Make sure to be familiar of LMB+RMB canceling. Keep doing your damage as he speaks, only cc him as he is about to finish the attack. This is very important to BM. Often even if you blocked every his attack you still run out of time(5min). Don't play passive.

 http://i.imgur.com/O1erxA4.jpg(i did use a pot to increase my cri rate as my soul shield didn't roll much crit)


After you know/get used to his skills and pattern, you will know when you are keep attacking and when to block.

Make you are know how to canceling your attack(LMB->RMB), because you need to burst him while he is under cc(crowd control). At the beginning of the fight, start with Blade call, right before it comes down, use Lightning Retribution(stun 2sec), and immediately use lightning draw and LMB+RMB loop twice. (if you crit, make sure to use Flash step ONLY ONE TIME)

Now he should be out of stun, and will immediately attack you twice. Block when you are out of beginning loop.

Unless he is going for double blink attack, after your block, use cyclone, and any cc (Rush, soaring falcon, anklebiter), then q or lightning draw to start draw stance burst.

If he starts talking, something turtle, keep dps him. If you have a stun skill, use it, then do aerial combo to avoid ground ice. Aerial combo( stun, then take a flight, RMB Heavenly Dance(this is only usable while he is still ascending), then LMB Ascend. Make sure you have atleast 30% crit chance, or using aerial attack will lower your dps and may result not able to kill him in 5minutes. You have to kill him within 5 minutes or he will go berserk and unkillable. So while you want to block/dodge his attack, make sure to keep doing damage to him.

He will start to randomly use his ult when lowing below 70% health. He will channel about 3 second(there will be a red circle), then do a 4 consecutive attack. Make sure to run away from red circle, or SS out. then watch his hand, when his sword is about to be placed in the Scabbard(about his waist height), block, and wait for 4 attacks. Don't use your cc on him right after the attacks(he is immune to cc as he is finishing).

If he starts his flicker attack(where he dashes/blink to you and a front area attack, a yellow indicator is shown), you need to block 5 times if you don't interrupt him with your cc. He will do 3 blink/dash frontal flicker+ lightning draw + flash step. If you somehow cc him in his thrid flicker, he will counter you, dash to your back, and shoulder charge(stun) you, then flash step. So make sure to cc him, or block every his attack on this stage.

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