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My Fm Rep


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I was gold pre patch of raising waters, I am using a force master as a main character, because they are challenging ( a lot), I noticed 2 things with this patch. The Previous frost build I was using for arena went down, it got slower in terms of dps  ( rbm lost some dps) so, focusing on the frost aspect wont yield the same benefits anymore, What I noticed though its a lot of damage and scaling went to inferno ( in raw numbers it seems overpowered to say the least) but this ability its nothing special ( some may say WHAT screaming on terror ) but its true, this ability can be blocked, countered and parried super easy, because of the time travel it has it offers more than enough time ( for good players) to block it if u cast it without them being stunned or heavily cced and here comes the issue, Destroyers cannot be cced basically, they keep tab - tab - tab and after it they spin, spin blocks inferno without a good cc, control its gonna suck to get that dps out and cuz of the parrys and blocks we need to use spend points into snowball to break the shield, wich is meh, ( what m trying to say is , even though force master is a ranged class, and got his dps buffed , it will still take some serious  skill to keep up with the dps) Specially when you cannot spam as u  might desire cuz of ranged stun blade masters and destros have) If you try the spamming method on gold + ur dead, it doesn't work against skilled opponents ho know what they are doing, you need to control the field, keep distance, u cc, cc ,cc and mitigate with frost shields.   


The problem though, its assassins, there are some assassins ho play ultra cheap, The entire game all they do is run and stealth, only hitting u with shurikens and only use counters to RUN away from u the entire match, until you lose by points, Unfortunately Force masters ability's Shut down when you don't have a target, you are only left with 1 and 2 because rmb and Lmb do not work, and number 2 costs focus, which you cannot use as often as u would need against these cheap dudes, the conclusion its unfair and lame to be losing to this kind of noobs, If only  most of the force master abilitys remained active, then ok I could play with them and try to gap close or pull them with force pull, but nope, no target = No skills really absurd when you still have aoe skills that u could use without a target but, nope u get trolled.


For summoners I figured killing the cat works best, burn the cat down and ripp his head off, then sustain with frost and end up with a dual dragon combo.


  Force master is good, the new updates fixed some issues, specially with summoners and so, but unfortunately, I still cannot recommend the force master to anyone, If ur looking to play force master, u need an insane amount of skill, timing and internet, without good internet u wont see their counters and loose more than half of ur abilitys in resists, parrys, counters and ofcurse stealth trolls,  With this said, Ill retire from force master and just role, destro, summoner or assassin.  I like blade master, but I deleted it because it requires a lot of time investment and practice, unlike the 3 main classes that are ruling the arena atm.  Just my 5 cents hope u all get something from this! see ya in the game!

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