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FM's the new autowin


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WELL as a KFM that got frozen into the middle of the arena and could literally DO nothing but die to the FM standing behind me and sniping me I can say it is potentially beyond the pale .. 


NOW maybe I am missing something OR maybe it is because I am only 38th level while the FM was max or something (IF the former the game needs to do a better job of deciding the combatants so they both have a chance OR take the arena away from all players NOT max level ..


SO cheesed off by that match  I don't even want to log in again and will go watch TV instead and do forms afterwards ..


ALL i hear is rude trolls  who say .. YOu need to learn to play ,, BUT it wasn't this obnoxious prior to the patch

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3 minutes ago, kuro1n said:

Get to max level.

THIS might be it BUT you aren't supposed to wait for max level AND IF they make you do that IT will counter balance the games idea of having things to do for the lower level players .. 


OW PvP is already nuts on many servers as lower level zones have max level players who block the ability of lower level players to complete daily PvP in OW .. 


Arena for some classes it seems is out of wack as well now ..


NOW I don't want them to turn FMs into the easy kill either WHICH they were kind of prior to this patch 


The game can't have PvP this bad for lower levels who are being given PvP dailies as it will repulse players REALLY fast .. especially when a LARGE portion of this game is behind the PvP content ..


meh I give up tonight maybe they will look into this stupidity 

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So you realize that FM is the class that is second last in amounts of players on gold+ level right now? You need to get to max level first and then learn to play (learn to counter FM).

Here are the current numbers:
Summoner: 171
Destroyer: 78
Blade Dancer: 76
Kung Fu Master: 47
Assassin: 37
Force Master: 24
Blade Master: 15

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3 minutes ago, kuro1n said:

So you realize that FM is the class that is second last in amounts of players on gold+ level right now? You need to get to max level first and then learn to play (learn to counter FM).

Here are the current numbers:
Summoner: 171
Destroyer: 78
Blade Dancer: 76
Kung Fu Master: 47
Assassin: 37
Force Master: 24
Blade Master: 15

These numbers are still not accurate probably as a lot of people held off on FMs as they were a little (if not a LOT) UP prior to this patch


of course my concern is that IF they fix the present issue they again make FMs UP again (hey I don't play one but I don't like to just free farm other players as I know what that is like)

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1 minute ago, Kensho1996 said:

These numbers are still not accurate probably as a lot of people held off on FMs as they were a little (if not a LOT) UP prior to this patch


of course my concern is that IF they fix the present issue they again make FMs UP again (hey I don't play one but I don't like to just free farm other players as I know what that is like)

Playing FM and while it is better this patch it doesn't really help you when summoners whack the shit out of you in gold.

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2 minutes ago, kuro1n said:

Playing FM and while it is better this patch it doesn't really help you when summoners whack the shit out of you in gold.

summoner is a hand full for all classes ..


FMs are going to be obnoxious for KFMs .. and perhaps all the melee characters simply because they can root and nuke.. 


IF playing FM freeze and get behind the target and snipe the target to your hearts content..


As I said before though when they don't have this ability they are underwhelming as heck

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Just now, Kensho1996 said:

summoner is a hand full for all classes ..


FMs are going to be obnoxious for KFMs .. and perhaps all the melee characters simply because they can root and nuke.. 


IF playing FM freeze and get behind the target and snipe the target to your hearts content..


As I said before though when they don't have this ability they are underwhelming as heck

No it is not, it is if you do not know how to counter it (in silver and lower). Honestly this should not be a problem, are you playing KFM? For KFM FM is a bit harder but that is the same as FM have problems with other classes.

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3 minutes ago, kuro1n said:

No it is not, it is if you do not know how to counter it (in silver and lower). Honestly this should not be a problem, are you playing KFM? For KFM FM is a bit harder but that is the same as FM have problems with other classes.

I am not an expert in the FM VS KFM fights but prior to today I had little issue with FMs .. 


Today the FM kept me frozen in place and just stood behind me making closer abilities useless and it doesn't take long to use up a 38th level KFMs break frees ..


when i get a chance I will look up the easy KFM PvP BUT as I said IT feels out of balance atm EVEN though to change it back still feels out of balance just the other way


This game goes a lot into 1v1 PvP which means they need to keep the classes all balanced not balancing one class as a foil to another like say WoW did with a hunter VS rogue..


I am not expecting perfection BUT NOT to be farmed time and again by certain classes while your character sits in the middle of the arena with their thumb where the sun doesn't shine WOULD be NICE


Just freezing a player in in place and the player NEVER having a chance to do damage other than the preliminary attack is cheesy beyond words ..


AS i HAVE said it could be that my KFM is only 38th level and the FM was 45th BUT IF THIS is the case the arena needs to actually consider the levels before choosing to pair off players or people will just walk away from the game .. 


When we have 50th and more and more stuff there will be fewer and fewer NEW players as they won't have a chance in a game that the high levels can jsut steam roll you at any time (ow PvP is already a mess and THIS patch seems to be doing THE same thing to the arena .. I was told to level up BUT why the hell do they give you the dailies if they are just going to screw you over with these terribly unbalanced pair ups??)

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13 minutes ago, kuro1n said:

Dude you are level 38, stop PvPing and get to max level. Really. You cannot complain about balance when you are not max level ffs. The game is VERY different at max level as you get 6 skillpoints on level 45...

AGAIN I quote your comment >> WHY do we get given daily arena quests at level 30 IF they aren't going to consider the level in arena matching >??

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1 minute ago, Kensho1996 said:

AGAIN I quote your comment >> WHY do we get given daily arena quests at level 30 IF they aren't going to consider the level in arena matching >??

What the *cricket* do I know? Servers are lagging and summoners are OP, why is that happening? NCSoft things. I am just saying as it is, you cannot think the game is balanced around level 38 vs 45.

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Just now, kuro1n said:

What the *cricket* do I know? Servers are lagging and summoners are OP, why is that happening? NCSoft things. I am just saying as it is, you cannot think the game is balanced around level 38 vs 45.

I am not saying it is .. 


BUT I would love to know why they match a 38th vs a 45th in the first place .. was this programming THIS bad to not consider something(every player would know) like a big difference in levels??


IF they take away the arena for lower levels (which it kind of feel they have unless the player likes spending 2 to 6 fights off making coffee while a high level farms kills off you) then they should supply a PvE alternative to these quests UNTIL max level or what ever level the classes can sort of balance out ...


IT is a 5 year old game AND they never looked into this kind of thing?? 

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