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General Questions,


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Hi, I have been playing hardcore for a few days or weeks now :) and I have come across some issues that a very confusing. 


  1. Does piercing have an effect in general pve (dungeons/instances/world-field bosses)?  I have been doing the blue dungeons solo now, mostly Blightstone now and I have been wondering if my current piercing, 628, has any effect on the damage.  I have been doing Blackwyrm regularly along with the occasional terrors, and there or here I have been noticing that my accuracy, 963, has an effect due to blackwyrm being lvl 47.  I ask about piercing mainly because when you press U, you are able to have a bonus attribute, piercing (50, 75,100), additional damage (3), hp (400) and defense (50, 70, 80).  Is it better to choose additional damage if piercing has no effect?
  2. I have also discovered, that as the weapon ranks up or becomes more upgraded, the cost to increase gem slots, or add additional sockets to the default 3, goes up in price as well as in need of Gem Hammers.  Anyone else come across this, and are straching their heads given that due to a lack of knowing this simple fact, a great deal of resources need to be exerted?  Having said, is it possible to acquire Gem Hammers from the various loot/chest reward boxes?
  3. Is doing ~8-12m damage on Blackwyrm good?


    X= total prestige

    Y= prestige awarded



    6,825,000 x .Z = V

    V = total damage done

  4. How rare is the Blackwyrm Claw, and has anyone in the english servers acquired one yet?

  5. Does anyone have a more accurate reference then https://itzdarkvoid.wordpress.com/2016/01/30/blade-soul-ring-evolution/ and https://itzdarkvoid.wordpress.com/2016/01/19/blade-soul-weapon-evolution/ and https://itzdarkvoid.wordpress.com/2016/01/19/blade-soul-weapon-evolution/?


P.S. I am a Summoner on Yehara.  Great class, reminds me of Druid on World of Warcraft during Burning Crusade.






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