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[KFM] Why are other classes not "ping dependent"?


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Maining a KFM and playing in Arenas is frustrating and so I take to searching the forums for tips and tricks, and out of all the classes discussed the term "ping dependent" often comes up for KFM. So as the topic title implies, why aren't other classes treated the same way and how are other classes not reliant on internet ping?


I've never played an MMO that has this term come up so much. Please enlighten me. Thanks.

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it's a korean game  they have a high speed internet, that's the problem. The developer design the different classes knowing that noone in korea will have a ping higher than 150.  

i have problem with the ping(280 or higher) eventhouht i play FM it's hard sometime because its doesnt respond as i what and breaking the combo.  

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From what I hear KFM, BM and Assassin are the "ping dependent" classes, because they rely on a lot of animation cancelling to transition through their different combos and do damage. 


This game was developed for Korea, with gameplay based on Korea's insane high-speed internet.  Some of the classes just weren't designed to really work with our crappy ISP's here in the United States, and it's something NCSoft likely didn't consider when designing the game and at this stage they can't really fix it. 


So, you have 2 options.  If you plan on playing/competing seriously avoid the big 3 ping classes.  If you're just playing for fun then do whatever and try not to worry about it.  I'm personally eagerly awaiting the release of the Warlock class as I just play my Assassin now for fun.

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