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Any way to see marketplace price from web browser..?


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During Beta phase, Marketplace was linked to the website. There was a lot of backlash due to this because if the website would go down, Marketplace would go down. It also made the UI cluttered and unappealing. As of right now, I believe they un-did this due to feedback. Whether they intend to implement it back into the system, is beyond me. If you would like more information about this, I would send in a Support ticket just for clarification on this matter.

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I see well lets hope they find a solution for this because i find that very usefull :) and btw is there a way to search for crafting guild member on a map easily..? im in Cinderlands atm (Razorwing Ravine to be exact) and im trying to look for my Soul Warden npc.... (i tried to check/uncheck the case for those npc and there nothing that appear/disappear on the map) 

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