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need help on picking class (experienced league of legends player would be helpful)

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Hello :D,


i am very new to this community as i literally just joined, but i had a question: what class should i choose and would i enjoy most? the only indicator i could give is that on league of legends i main this champion called yasuo: he is a swordsman that has strong damage, requires alot of skill to play but pays off, is bursted fast but has good defense mechanics and is very mobile, also likes to be very close to the enemy.

i would really love any help i can get, maybe even from non league of legends players :D and i hope we can all have a wonderful time together on this game :D

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 From your description of what you like, Kung fu master would fit , they are also a very strong class especially in a skilled players hands, but remember every game is different,

 There are plenty guides and video's on YouTube too  they may give you a better idea of the class

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Cosmetically, the Blade Master is most like Yasuo. Everytime I use BM Flash, I feel like I'm doing Yasuo E. And then you have air combos on top of that. Though, if you're looking to do 1v1 arenas or looking for a rewarding high skill cap class, I'd stay away from BM. Just my 2 cents.

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