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KFM need some pvp tips.


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Hi !



I Don't think that they should be nerfed. I just seek advice.

Sorry for my terrible english.



I just want to know how do you deal with Summoners and Force Masters in 1vs1 arenas as KFM. I'm currently slightly above 1600+ rating and I've made it to gold.

I'm losing 90% of my games vs summoners and force masters because I'm getting cc spammed and I can't even get close because if I jump or get close to FM i just get thrown away or he dashes away and just cc spams like nothing happened. Same thing with summoners.


Could you guys share some tips ? ლ(o◡oლ)

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As a new player , I'm having the same issue with force masters, I get perma rooted and when I reach them they use their cc immune or dash away and I'm back to the perma root cycle, I use SS to break the root then I get another cc, and root again while SS is on cooldown, not to mention that FM are moving on the sides or behind me so I can't target them and reach them with a charge to break root, at this point I'm still trying to figure out how to break out of that perma root thing because SS cooldown is not enough for how much roots I'm getting in a row.


About summoner, they just have one big root, keep  SS  for that purpose and use their cat for the side dodge so you get free immune even if they're at distance, if needed recharge your focus on the cat before rushing them , they can't perma root us like FM, so it's easier to reach them with our RMB then cc and damage until they die. It becomes a problem when they heal a lot but I guess at this point it's about outplaying them and landing more 3rf than letting them regen on us.


Again it's new player advice, so let's hope experienced kfm will answer better :)

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I'm good right now because I haven't had a lot of time to play lately but in gold summoners are fairly easy.  I start by sprinting and LB the cat to knockdown then I grapple and use my 3 to sleep the cat for like 30 seconds then hair wail on the summoned.  Either that or just chain cc the cat and 3rf it to death in about 5 seconds.

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