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Kung Fu Master vs. Summoner: need help


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After reaching lvl 35 I decided to participate in some pvp. I've played only 3 games so far and I am silver. The only person I lost to was a summoner. In the first game he beat me pretty fast but in the second game I was able to pull out a win by killing the little cat think first. Ultimately I lost the series 2-1, is there any tips for KFM players other than focus the cat first. Any help would be really welcomed thank you.

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Focus the caster not the cat, the caster needs to walk away, it'll be a hit and run game, and since ur a KFM, use ur Stuns/Disables/Etc u get my point, I have a hard time facing Destroyers as a Summoner, I used to have a hard time facing KFM's in Beta, but now it's all destroyers.

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On 1/31/2016 at 4:24 PM, WizardyWoo said:

After reaching lvl 35 I decided to participate in some pvp. I've played only 3 games so far and I am silver. The only person I lost to was a summoner. In the first game he beat me pretty fast but in the second game I was able to pull out a win by killing the little cat think first. Ultimately I lost the series 2-1, is there any tips for KFM players other than focus the cat first. Any help would be really welcomed thank you.

Get max level then focus the summoner.  At that point summoners become a joke.

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On 1/31/2016 at 7:24 PM, WizardyWoo said:

After reaching lvl 35 I decided to participate in some pvp. I've played only 3 games so far and I am silver. The only person I lost to was a summoner. In the first game he beat me pretty fast but in the second game I was able to pull out a win by killing the little cat think first. Ultimately I lost the series 2-1, is there any tips for KFM players other than focus the cat first. Any help would be really welcomed thank you.

Don't listen to them, don't focus the cat.



Q/E the pet, get max agility. Dodge everything, Cc chain the summoner once he uses tab, avoid the little daisy thing that makes them invisible if you hit them. We win this match up fairly easily.

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As Bobonuke said, the cat will be hitting you all time, so use it to your advantage. Do your Q/E and follow with a triple kick on the summoner. Wait until he uses his tab and do a stunlock (Tremor / Rising Dragon / comet strike) and burst him.


Don't forget to put three points into shadow dance.

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