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7 Day Character Deletion Time?!?!


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Anyone else find this preposterous?! I'm trying to transfer a character name over to another server from Head Start and just realized it takes 7 days! I got this name as part of Name Reservation after paying $125 for the Master Pack, and now I have to wait 7 days and have a HIGH RISK of losing the name because I may not be on when it deletes ... Please NCSoft, get it together and fix this immediately! During the first few days of official release, it only took 5 minutes! What happened?! And couldn't you have warned us before implementing this so that we may better prepare ourselves?!

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It's completely retarded. The 5 min on a low lvl character I could live with, though only just. 7 Days.... I can only see it as an evil ploy to force more ppl to buy character slots.
Also the confirmation for using epic items to upgrade ur hongmoon weapon is dumb - having to SPELL it, even with capital letter in front is pissing me off. And i'm far from the only one.

This game by being a more skill req and active combat mmo quickly gained my favor and i thought i would stay in it for a loong time.. But these things along with the huge amount of bugs, crashes, dc's and other shit that don't seem to get fixed half as fast as it should makes me wanna quit...

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