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Really? Brazilian people.


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not nice to not allow the low lvls to at least hit first, but nothing wrong with him/her farming the boss. I farm it trying to get the outfits from the stupid wheel's RNGeesus, but i usually try to go to a channel with noone around, or let the low lvls hit it a few times first

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not all Brazilians are like that mate , i know some of them that are shi..tty players but not just BR , we have all ppl from all countryes (idk if thats right) beeing a jerk . the thing is , i think he was there to help some friend but anyway i know that theres alot of stupid players just to fk with the game (as always)

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I normally let ppl hit on it before I burn it down.


And I prefer channels with very few ppl so I get more essences and no one cries :D


But we do those bosses because we want the costumes.....


(not a brazilian here and, in all honesty, I believe turds come from all countries)

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