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Horrible issues after patch 1/29


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I',m a Premium payer and normally play every day for at least 6 hours , Today played for 30 mins, flew though Blackram 24 solo'd most bosses, did dailys misty woods again solo bosses and logged off, had enough of it.


The reason:  the game is absolutely terrible today since patch, I have a pro set up gaming system all the bells and whistles 32 gigs pro gaming corsiar ram Game was using 62% of it !!!!! , FPS  was up down all over the place spiking for no reasons at all today, today is the worst I have every seen this game run, and that includes CN severs were I used to play pretty hardcore.


Will be going back to CN servers full time if this is how it is going to be, game runs far far smoother there and I live in the UK its not like China is nearer !!

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8 hours ago, Sheela said:

Just posting to say you're not alone in this, I'm also having these issues and I have a moderately beefy PC, GTX 970, 16 gigs of ram, etc. 


They told me to put in a ticket with Dxdiag along with it but it's completely unplayable after this patch as it stands, I don't know what they did.


What sort of PC are you running? Maybe they messed something up with support for the graphics card if you have the same one, for instance.

Wow what the hell looks like i am not the only one who have the problem also where do i find my spec so i can show you guys, before the patch i had no problem running the game at all but now crashing and all that Lag and spike and then crash again. it is really sad to see 

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10 hours ago, Sh0tcalla` said:

GUYS!! and GALS!! its NOT the razr.  Myself and others have already explained we dont have razr hardware or software installed or in use and are getting same crashes as all of you.  So stop beating a dead horse.  Start thinking of other solutions, cuz it has nothing to do with RAZR.  ncsoft started down the RAZR path and now everyone thinks thats the problem.  I changed the Yes and NO in the config file like everyone else and it did nothing.  Ya know why?  Cuz i dont have any razr gear in my house!!!!!


anyway......................the solution and problem is way beyond the spectrum of razr.  Could and probably has to do with gameguard.  leave it to some 3rd party fail company to mess it up.  just like another NC game, AION, used a 3rd party Awesomium.com and had the same issues there.  Crashes. Crashes. Crashes.




Well if it's not Razer allow me to enlighten you to something. I recently re-enabled Razer Chroma SDK, as I use the Deathadder mouse, which allowed me to bypass the BnS logo and sign into the game as if everything was fine. After about 5 mins it crashed which brings up back to the original issue before NC figured out the clientconfiguration.xml file needed to be edited for the chroma keyboard. I also figured out that the game won't load in more than 1670mb of memory before it crashes. When I disable Razer Chroma SDK I can't even bypass the BnS logo and it crashes before loading in. I'm not saying Razer is the cause of why it crashes but I sure as hell can't even bypass the logo unless the Razer Chroma SDK is enabled. So I doubt it's beating a dead horse just to be fair ;)

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I think they're having us unistall our Keybindings until they figure out how to block the gold spammers. Because while Our keybindings make our gaming a better experience for us. It's bot programs that rely on keybindings to be able to spam 24/7 and not get kicked from the servers for Inactivity. It's a lose/lose right now. Because they dont' have any solid answers to fix the Gold spammers. I honestly can't tell you how to fix it do any of you have any coding tips to block clone IP Maskers that hide Robots that want yer credit card information to sell you Pixelated gold? So in short yes the game is buggy and crashy and we want to play it. But seriously stop busting their balls about it so much. The fact that it's even here is a damn miracle and yes it's got it's problems but instead of bitching about it all the damn time maybe we can put our collective heads together and instead of jumping on the pity train we can think of ways to help the BnS team make the game we want to play better instead of getting in a Drama Fueled Circle Jerk of Rage.

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