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Choosing contextual skills


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I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere but this is something that's been frustrating me. I run an ice build of the Force Master and the most consistent way for me to generate Frost Orbits for Dragonfrost is Frost Fury. However the use of Frost Fury often crits and retriggers the condition for Frost Fury making it very difficult to actually use the Dragonfrost (not impossible I usually sneak it in after 3 tries). Similarly I often want to use Frost Fury to generate focus but can't because an enemy has met the conditions for Windfury and I have to use that (which drains my focus). That said I don't think that choosing which Dragon skill to use should exist (blaze, frost or dual dragons) the choice should be made by what orbits you have.


I don't know if it would be by adding more context buttons or what but this limitation of the contextual skill system has a negative impact on my ability to use my skills effectively. What are other people's thoughts on the general concept or any possible alternative implementation of that system?

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