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Blackwyrm no treasure


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Right now we killed Blackwyrm on Wild Springs server.

Unfortunately many ppl didnt find the chest on the ground with reward including me.

I was present from begining of the raid and was fighting whole time ( around 90min ) and did get nothing.

Also at about 20% ppl lost ability to resurect ( using "4" button ) so we had to use Escape to get back in game.

Please tell me whats happening.


with wishes of nice day,


Tsukymon the sadboy.

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More than likely didn't get anything because you were using Escape. Your reward off of Blackwyrm works the same was as the 24-man Poharan in that the more damage you do the better your reward. If you use Escape, then all of the damage that you did to the boss gets reset and you have to start over. So, if you died and used escape shortly before the boss was killed and didn't do very much damage to it between your last death and when Blackwyrm died, then you will not have gotten a reward. 

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