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the translation is meh,...not feeling it


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i love the korean/chinese theme game and all, but the translation just made the game not feeling so correct, it's a chinese folklore background with i cant even say its just "gong fu" its more of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuxia, , in fact i don't think translation the game will make western guys enjoy it properly, it's better to keep it as in korean/chinese, who plays the game learn the language first, and then read some fiction stories


example: in GW2 there is a town called  "queensdale" which would sound so weird in chinese with litteral translation

same in BNS when  i had weapon from "hongmoon"  and in the chinese version its called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiandihui. which has been used in some other fiction stories, you get a lot of more RPG-involvement if you had know what that means, now for you guys its just hongmoon, can be hongsun, hongwhatever, same


another example: BLACKRAM, i mean WTF, in chinese the litteral translation is BLACK DRAGON CULT, nice now they are just rams...black ones


i feel sorry for western guys to not enjoy the game to its full extends, but ok learning korean/chinese is neither a blink of eyes


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Lol what? The folklore is Korean based... not Chinese.


See all those Doekabbis, that stealing clothes from the bathing women quest (old Korean folklore story of a woodcutter and a heavenly maiden) and such are all Korean folkore. Ogong (Korean) also translates to Wukong in English but I would say this is more Chinese folklore (because Journey the to the West is Chinese).


The game is from Korea, but fused in Wuxia stuff together. The questing and folklore is mostly Korean while the martial arts, combat, windwalking and what not is Wuxia based.

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