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31 - 29 

Am annoyed that I did not see a server maintenance warning, but more annoyed that auto DC rollbacks your level which would mean you'd have to redo time you wasted. Hopefully this is a bug and our level prior to disconnecting shows up. 

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I hope this doesn't effect what i just got cause I hit lvl 30 from 27 got deva raiment outfit and the Decal and upgraded my weapon to the next look and now when i look its as if I don't have them anymore...  I might cry inside alittle cause i would have to farm for them again...

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Agreed, if this rollback is for real and is not just a visual bug on the menu, this will turn me away from the game for a few. Will not play as much if everything I have done goes away. I will take a break for a few so if Soha is up please update me on whether or not our items/level are normal. If not well R.I.P. I also don't think Blade and Soul staff members will help us regain what we lost due to the MASS amount of players who have disconnected. 

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