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Question about Soul Shields

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So I've been trying to collect up all the soul shields and originally I figured that was possible because of the soul shield inventory option. It has all these slots for soul shields that you may have in your inventory. I figured it acted like the wardrobe and was a sort of collection screen. However, when I've tried to place the soul shield fragments there it only seems to put them there if they are actively in your main inventory. They take up a lot of space given they don't fuse together and 8 slots is a lot to lose to a soul shield. Even my storage vault is a small amount of space. I know there are achievements for getting soul shields.

So my question... Is there a place to store the soul shield pieces? If it isn't that inventory screen then what is the purpose of this screen with all the slots? (If this doesn't make sense get on a character and open the inventory and click the soul shield tab on the upper right side of the inventory box). If anyone can enlighten me on a way to collect these please let me know. If not, I guess I will just have to hope a new storage area is released in the future to allow for this kind of collection.


Thank you!!

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Wait! How do you fuse them? I thought there was only the 8 piece option. Does fusing it form a single piece? 

And I know it sounds crazy, but I love collecting. Having a screen sitting there that looks like its for collection made me want to collect them. It just seems strange to have a screen with all those slots neatly laid out but not be able to store them there. So that is actually another question o.O. What is that screen for if not for storing soul shields?

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You have 2 soul shields. The equipped one and an alternative.
Once equipped, to either type - none of them will take up space in your inventory.

You can fuse a single piece of soul shield with another soul shield (of the same lvl-range) and it will add a stat bonus to that particular piece.

Heroic pieces adds greater bonuses.

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