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I think I might be hooked..


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Well damn, I had just about given up on MMO's but B&S has dragged me back in. Starting with original EQ and then too many years in WoW which almost destroyed my love of the genre. Onto Guild Wars 2 which sadly went down the wrong path IMO and a few years dabbling with Aion which was fun but everything about it was bloated and too complicated for me to really get into.
 BTW, anyone complaining about the RNG in Blade and Soul clearly never played Aion which had to be the king of soul crushing RNG failure. Socketing...ugh, the stuff of nightmares.


I've grown so attached to my little Summoner in record time,  I've just got to make her the best she can be! I'm loving everything about B&S so far. The character design, the artwork and environments are gorgeous. The movement system is just amazing, pinging around the place like a ninja is so enjoyable I run everywhere just to do it. I really like the combat, just enough abilities to make it interesting but not overwhelming and a challenge to become a skilled player is definitely there. Just watching other players fight is worth stopping to take a look. I like a bit of grind in my MMO's and it's there for sure and I don't mind it at all.  Dailies are fun little things, dungeons are quick and pacy and the LFG system is the best I have seen, so easy to use. Working my way through the main story is also a treat, I want my revenge!


I see a lot of people whining about the frustration of RNG and the temptation of the cash shop but jeez, this game is FREE. I almost feel obliged to throw some dollars their way just to say thank you and support it and I intend to do just that. I think I may even join a guild which I swore I'd never do again after the stress and pressure of being a GM and raid leader in WoW for 4 years and that's saying something. So thank you NCSoft for making this amazing game available.

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I agree, even though the RNG can be very mean sometimes, but that's part of the game, atleast it's not pay2win. The combat is very fun, and I'm slowly learning how to counter the abilities of the monsters on my Destroyer. The maps are quite diverse, though I didn't like the desert very much.

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