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Please fix the lag


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It's worse than on GF servers sometimes, and I'm supposed to play with 20-25ms ping.


Even though this ping is specified in the resource monitor as well as in WTFast connection monitor (because without it I have a real-time delay of about 150 to 200ms every skill) even with WTFast I have that heavy delay as if I'm playing on NA sometimes (btw why anyone thought it would be a good idea for the EU login server to be hosted in Austin US?)


Of course it doesn't happen all the time, usually triggers when I switch from normal server to arenas for example but if I want to play normal again it's MANDATORY that I restart the client entirely. And surprise surprise no one else is experiencing this type of lag when I ask and since I'm monitoring my ping and packet loss I am 100.00% sure the problem is not on my side.


The so fabled leatrix latency fix doesn't do anything at all, it actually makes my internet worse.

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