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People please calm down...


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We don't need 20 people creating the same thread like "OMG SERVERS DOWN?!?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?! SOMEONE HELP!?!?" 


First off when the servers go down they go down for EVERYONE, the entire game is collapsing on itself so everyone gets kicked off, it's not just you that is affected by it. Secondly spamming threads of the same topic does not help the staff work any faster or harder on it, they are aware of the problem and are fixing it as fast as they can. I know you guys are frustrated and I am as well but doing all this is not helping anyone. 


It's a new game that just went into open beta, I'm sure in the coming weeks it'll be a lot better, hopefully. 

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The benefit of having a lot of people create the same thread exclaiming that the servers are down is that it gives off the illusion of an active community on the forums and therefore generates excitement for this game. I personally don't care if people do this because to some it's their only way to vent out frustration and confusion and if a larger group of people post about the same thing then it justifies a general consensus about a certain topic.

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