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Hope it never happens


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I was level 43 in a level 45 dungeon doing daily quest while I was unaware that I was not suitable for it.

With this ignorance, I went to cross-server dungeon and quickly being added into a group.

As someone might expect, I died for may times. Maybe 3 or 4?

And, I saw there were messages being sent to me from the level 45 party leader saying what I should do, but I just didn't get how to do it because I didn't quite understand his/her words.

Then, I got this whisper say "this game isnt for u" and "stop playing this game".

Wow! That was an extremely shocked moment for me and I did not know how to act or respond, because it was the first time ever a person said straightly into my face since I'd started playing this game.

I am truly sorry for causing burden for my party members in the dungeon.

But, I was also pretty confused, angry, and sad, because I did not expect this to be happened in a world-friendly MMORPG.

I start to introspect what I do in the game. I put in money, time, and effort to grade up, to participate and enjoy in this game. I've partied so many times for dungeons and no one came to tell me that the game is not for me.

Why would a person suddenly come to judge me and say I should stop it? Oh, it must be my attack power is not high enough so I die so many times to cause them burden in the dungeon. Or should it be my overall ability is not high enough for the dungeon.

Is there really a way that one can tell if a game is for anyone?

Is Blade and Soul really not for me?

No. I have got fun, friends, and sense of achievement in this game. So why would a person jump out of nowhere so harshly telling me that I should stop it?

I think it is a type of cyber-bullying. That person is humiliating and trying to take a right of me because of his or her first judgement on me in the dungeon.

I don't know if it usually happens to any other friends in this game often, but this act should not be allowed.

And, I don't know, either, if that person knows his or her words would be a weapon to damage one's heart, this sort of deed should definitely not be recognized in this  world-open game.



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Because this is the internet and you cannot control what others say/do. The best option is to ignore (or submit a ticket and hope something is done). Also, you might want to work on your "offense meter." I understand that some people get offended easily, but again this is the internet and honestly f*ck what other people say. This is not something that is internet or mmo-specific either, it's something that happens in every day LIFE. Learn to deal!

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Haha. It is as if you are using the internet for your very first time. :D

Most of the words that come out from the internet, especially things related to entertainment are to be ignored.

But I do agree, the person could have explained you what to do specifically if there was some sort of procedure to go through.

Or perhaps you could ask for their explanation. There are lots of things that could have been done but don't take their words too seriously.

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Welcome to the internet.


There's a lot of person like that. I've seen worst where 2-3 people were laughing at a player who died/too slow and got burned to death in dungeons. You got whisper, at least it's just between you and him/her.

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It certainly sucks having any sort of bullying or the like done to us or others, but this will be something we all as internet users and as players of MMOs have to prepare ourselves for. As we delve into the world of anonymity and have no idea who or what is on the other side of that character/user name/avatar. Because of this, we do need to develop thicker skin and not take everything anyone says to heart. Some people like to use this veil of anonymity to say mean/hurtful/racist/etc. type of things knowing that they cannot be found by normal means and thus get away unpunished. My suggestion to you is to take everything with a grain of salt. If it's offensive, take it with a salt carton of salt.


Don't dwell on what someone who you've never met before tell you how you should live your life, how you should enjoy anything, and how you should play this game. Remind yourself that these decisions are yours alone, not those bullies'. By no means do I condone name calling or bullying, but I fully support strengthening yourself and your mindset to guard yourself against the darkness of the internet and better yourself in the process

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This game have much ''old pro player'' that think they can say what they want everytime they want to everybody, they judge u if u don't use the skill rotation they like, they judge u if u have some party shield and don't use it everytime, i just block, no patiente for ''pro'' player here, we are all new, i'm new, i like the game even not knowing so much, my english is bad i know, DON'T COME JUDGE MY ENGLISH !! I'M NOT PRO IN ENGLISH TOO !!! *take a breath :3 * thats it, hugs for u, just block who is rude with u and be happy !!  

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