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Failed to connect to server. (204)


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Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. 


SINCE WERE GETTING ERROR 200 I decided to give you all 200 another ones.

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Just now, KempachiZaraki said:

alguno que no hable solo el ingles ? :D alguno me entiende alguno me copia ? =) 


Tortilla de keso, la lechon con chicharon, dela tacos e menudo ja fritos ala doritos no testiculos del toro la noche calle los pollos hermanos de gustavo fring.

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HEY GUYS i still havent even been able to play and i want some inside on this. I hear Mushin is best server to play on but there are 4 new servers so is all my americans who are new or my english speakers on the new servers or you alll doing mushin or what!?!? Tell me whats going on since we aint even playing anymore for now!

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2 minutes ago, Reavth said:

Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. Another one.. Another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. another one.. 


SINCE WERE GETTING ERROR 200 I decided to give you all 200 another ones.

I am so bored I actually counted those lol :(


1 minute ago, KempachiZaraki said:

alguno que no hable solo el ingles ? :D alguno me entiende alguno me copia ? =) 


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6 minutes ago, Zamweenie said:

HEY GUYS i still havent even been able to play and i want some inside on this. I hear Mushin is best server to play on but there are 4 new servers so is all my americans who are new or my english speakers on the new servers or you alll doing mushin or what!?!? Tell me whats going on since we aint even playing anymore for now!

Go to a low population server unless you must play with your friends.  I am on pohwaran and premium queue is 800+ most nights.  Mushin is even more populated.

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Just now, KempachiZaraki said:

.T_T. soy feliz xD ajajajj llego de trabajar y esperando poder jugar pfff esta todo el servidor aca hablando ajajajaja q terrible ensima parecen q reinician el servidor por lo q entiendo D:


Sí, lo están reiniciando u.u El problema es q creo q demorará lo mismo qe un mantenimiento (a este paso). Quiero jugar!!! ToT

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Just now, KempachiZaraki said:

.T_T. soy feliz xD ajajajj llego de trabajar y esperando poder jugar pfff esta todo el servidor aca hablando ajajajaja q terrible ensima parecen q reinician el servidor por lo q entiendo D:

 La quedo el login al parecer.. Supuestamente estaban reiniciando.. pero hace 1hs 

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