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Class with least required combos


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Which class requires minimum amount of chains for combos, besides Summoner.


I haven't played fighting games in ages and I'm afraid. I've been playing mostly MOBAs (League of Legends, DotA, Heroes of the Storm, etc) so I have alot of practicing to do before I can play something that requires timing and combos like KFM, Assassins (which is really what I want to play)


Any advise besides "Pick what you want to play"

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I think you should stick it out and play the Assassin that you really want to play. PVE will give you time to get a feel for things, and you can always make friends with a good assassin and spar with them for practice and advice. The worst case is that you lose a lot when you start PVPing, which will be the case on pretty much any class until you learn the other classes and get your muscle memory in place. 

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