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Newbie need some help from exeperienced players

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Hello everyone im new to this game and I just got lvl 12 before the server went down for maintenance and I wanted to know a few things before continuing to play the game:


1) How much can I f*** up? I usually don't play this kind of games but sometimes it can happen that when you at start and use your item wrong, for example Im lyn blademaster and im upgrading the pink name weapon a lot and what if I didn't had to waste all those weapon to upgrade it? what if now I have to do it on a new weapon and It will take much longer because i screwed up? Is BnS this kind of game or in early levels nothing matters?


2) Will there be a lot of afk farming? Another reason I don't play mmo is because a lot of times even in early stages of the game you have to afk farm monsters to get a certain drop or to lvl up and be stronger for later quests, I remember playing some games where I had to get 10 drops and it would even take 30 hours cause they never dropped... horrying and boring


3) Is it worth to pvp? I see some people fight each other in some places where you do your early quests but do I gain something out of it? or it's just better to wait higher levels and understand the game before doing pvp? or maybe I can get some pvp points that can help me somehow? I used to play a game where I had to block my lvl around 15 and do pvp only to get bonus points but people would just wait and do nothing, pretty boring...


4) Is it funny after max lvl? I see some people said you level up fast (and I like it) and that you can get max lvl pretty fast, but what after? is there a intense clan system, pvp mechanics or something interesting to do? I usually leave MMo before max lvl cause they really get too annoying so what can I expect from this game?


5) Are there usless quests? or some things I should never do? what I mean is: In the games I have played there are some usless quests that only waste time, dont give exp, and don't give gears, Atm I see all side quest are usefull. Also In some games If u do 1 wrong choice you may have to restart the whole game or spend big $$$ to remove some bad choice in your charachter, for example I saw there are skills if I press K but I can't put any point yet. Will I need a guide to put these skillpoints? If I use them wrong can I remake them or they are gone forever in a usless spell??


Sorry for my bad english trying my best and hope this post will also help other players to understand better if this game fits for them. Sadly I always had bad experience with MMOs where most of the time it was pay2win, afk farm for many years without having something interesting to do and boring pvp cause people can pay elixir to be stronger anyways, But so far im enjoying the quest and the story, so, Thx for answering and good nerding everyone!

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1. Not much. There are some things you can do well with but overall you can't really screw up your character so you'll be fine! You are doing the right thing by upgrading the pink weapon, aka the Hongmoon weapon. That is how BnS works, you should keep upgrading this weapon all the way and pink accessories too when you get those.


2. There is no afk farming in BnS. 99% of the quests are very straight forward and easy with good drop rates.


3. PvP has no rewards at this point and is purely just for the fun of it and to get better at it. Eventually they will have seasons with rewards and all that good stuff. I recommend you wait until you are 45 or so until you pvp, just so you have a better understanding about the game. There's no penalty of losing in pvp (besides ELO points) so if you want a crack at it, it's always available to you via F9 key in game.


4. At 45 it is like most MMO's. You can do dailies for gold and rewards, dungeon grind for costumes/materials and pvp for the fun of it. It's pretty straight forward. There will be a steady stream of content coming though so there will always be something to do! I made a video of future content coming to BnS NA/EU if you want to check it out, I'll link it at the end of my post.


5.a Normally if you're a new player, it's a good idea to do all blue (normal) quests, all yellow (story) quests, and most of the blue with white infinity symbol (daily) quests to get experience and items. You can't do anything wrong that makes you have to restart so don't worry about it!


5.b There will be a story quest around lvl 16 or 17 that will teach you how to use the skills with K and at that point you will be able to spec your character as you see fit. You can add and remove (respec) points at any time, besides being in combat, and it costs nothing.




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For your question, base on my experience from BnS Chinese, hope can help u in something :

    1. You can f*** up ur weapon until u reach lvl 27-30, after that, u have to spend alot of money and alot of time to get materials and weapon to evol-break thru-upgrade weapon.

The original weapon is the 2nd weapon u get in the Bamboo village, base on that weapon u upgrade to lvl 40+ weapon. Same as ring, earrings, necklace.

    2. This game, we cant get good things like weapons, rings, necklace, earrings. So dont worry abt that, monsters in the world map just for daily quests, main quests, side quests and nothing else. We cant up lvl by hitting/ farmming by that ^^

    3. Im acctually not do PvP beside Faction Quests, but its very fun to join in if u have free time ^^

    4. Yes, it is. It's easy to max lvl, but take a long time to max all of ur equipments and get a Popaie as u want to have. Myself, it's took me 4 or 6 months to maxxed out all of my euipments, and belive me, there r so much fun and inhibition when u max lvl

    5. Nope, there r no useless quest in my opinion. And the skills, at lvl 18 u can add skill point as u want to, and there r 3 options for u to chosse : pvp, pve, dungeon boss. And u can reset ur skill free for ever (in BnS Chinese, im not sure works in NA)

In BnS Chinese we can buy Premium by in-game currency but unfortunate, in here we cant :)


Hope i can help u, goodday and enjoy the game mate ^^

P/s: You can run around some map to take picture when u have free time ^^amazing landscape ^^

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