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Annoying waits


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Okay, my character is on the Master Hong server. I'm tired of waiting so long when it turns into the afternoon. I mean yeah i know that bunch of people are playing the game, but why do we have to wait so long? it takes up to at least 2 or more hours to even get it. Im impatient when it comes to internet, but this is just ridiculous.

I love the game and the storyline, but whats the point into playing in the afternoon when everyone takes up the servers? Don't you guys do anything about this? this is why most people are lagging and having problems with the system too.

Of how i put it, maybe you should make more servers for everybody. Not just for a few, especially on the north american servers, there are a lot of us. Just like the entire people who speak english in general. It'll be good and it won't make people leave and delete the game... i mean im staying but, as for others who are tired of waiting, do these things. Its just a suggestion...

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