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Cant use Marketplace...


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I have no idea what is going on with the marketplace atm. I used it earlier today without any problems. I sold and bought stuff from the dragon trader guy. Im lvl 20 as well. But now when I try to use it to look for items and sell, nothing happens. I click on weapon tab, and nothing happens. I try to search for a item, but search wont come through. I try to sell, but my object doesnt end up at the little square to the left where I can set the price and time etc later. Does it have anything to do with me being f2p atm, and I cant use marketplace more then a few times per day or what is it? Rly annoying. Any1 have any idea?

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22 minutes ago, Enhance said:

It's the intimate relationship between Windows and IE. You may have never used IE, but its settings affect connections, etc.


And the store in-game is actually based on a browser, styled to look like game interface.

So I need to use IE 11 now to play BnS? Wow...

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52 minutes ago, Enhance said:

No, installing IE11 probably just reset the cache/configuration. I'm using Windows7 and the internet explorer is out-of-the-box IE9.


You should try clearing IE cache/reset settings.

Will try this when I get home. Hope it works. I get back to ya when I've done it.

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