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Chapter 17 bug


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Hey, Yesterday I tried to finish the Mainstory-Quest Chapter 17 (you have to clear the Gate of Heaven and the Gate of Hell)

While clearing the last gate (Gate of Hell) I fighted 3 puppets at a time while being Half HP - which turned out to be a huge mistake, after meditating I got my revenge and cleared the Gate completely. Now my Questlogs states that I have to choose a Faction. Sadly the 2 Factions guys aren't findable. After checking out some Youtube Vid's I found out that they are supposted to stand right next to the 8 Masters after completing the 2 Gates.

I fear my death created a bug, any Idea what I could do? Is there a way to restart the Quest?

Best regards,


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You can join faction at most cities by going to the faction guys.  I did what you did during cbt, but this time just chose faction in Bamboo village when the quest was offered.  You should still have a quest to join faction, no?  Try leave the dungeon and go back in, abandon quest and try again?

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