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Blight weapon, is it even possible to obtain with normal keys?


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So I've run the Blackram Narrows dungeon 13 times now and I have a couple of every single blight weapon besides my own. Including warlock, because logic. It's starting to be a real pain in the ass because  I need that damage increase to continue my leveling progression. Almost every single person I've run this dungeon with says the exact same. Should we really need to grind a mid level dungeon 20-30 times just to progress past level 20-22? 

I know there are the premium keys for $1 in the store, that's a joke of a solution.

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The chance to get your weapon is like, what, 1/8, so it makes sense that's the average amount of boxes people open for their weapon. Deviation goes up and down. Sure, second Blight box was lucky, but I opened like 15-20 Hujikar/Stalker ones, for example. 5-10 runs to get a weapon without a Brilliant key sounds about right.

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