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Any Timeline for New Packs and Character-Slot-Buy-Option?


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cudos for this game. (aside from the disappointment with the Mayor-Story-Thingy for example, and that you don't seem to be able to enable original audio since subtitles are available anyway. And I didn't even play another Version before, but that Moment in the Well seemed totally off. And after I read about it, it was clear that it wasn't this bullshitty in the original. Wouldnt a more direct "just-Translation" be a lot easier, than seemingly forking it for the NA/EU-markets? But sry,
TL;DR ignore all that, I will start a new Topic on that  probably)

imho the founder-packs were fricking awesome. But since I didn't play GW because the whole style and atmosphere didn't get to me at that time, and so I was ofc very sceptical in paying money for a game I didn't even play 1minute. Since that is very rare in these days, in my exp. (thankfully we often have Demos and all those F2p-models)

Also imho the signature-packs are totally shitty in relation to that.
I don't really mind that you give the people, who gave you their trust and money earlier on in the project, nice benefits, but now I'm even more sad that I missed the opportunity of buying a founder's pack.

So my questions are:
Do we already know when new Packs will be available?
Same with buying Character Slots. Any idea when we will be able to buy them? Any interal gossip about the price-range we have to expect? (yeah, yeah, I can do more F2P-Accounts, but I dont like that, and I am a 1st-worlder who kinda wants to give back at least something to the guys and girls who made this.)

Thanks in advance and for your work in general.

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Yeps, thanks, you two. Did finally see it yesterday.

And it seems the slots are an relatively cheap 400 NCoins.
I expected more 10-15 EUR than 5. Very nice. But an overall Character-Limit of 7? O_o THAT I don't really understand. But whatevs, enough for the time being.

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