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Just a few questions!


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If anyone can give me some clarification on these matters it would really help ^^


1) How do you rank up in factions? (I'm crimson league)

2) How do you join a clan/guild, I thought it was using the H key and searching for one but nothing appears to be listed?

3) Is the only way to level up crafting / gathering by ordering things or can you actually search for ores etc. by yourself?

4) What do you get from doing the Arena?

5) As a force summoner it says I can learn a skill called Chi bomb yet it just levels up the Phantom grasp skill tree?

6) This is more of tips needed, I'm having fun in the Arena with my force master but when I face a summoner they destroy me! I don't have issues with other classes, it's usually close or I win easily but summoners wipe the floor with me... 


Lots of questions and not expecting anyone to answer them all but if you know the answer to any one of these questions would really like to hear it, thanks. 

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