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Invalid game client file(SOLVED)!!!!!


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  • 2 months later...

Okay guys try this for me and reply back as soon as possible.


this error probably comes from d3dx9_43 dll file. So starts by removing all d3dx9_43 that are on your computer at 2 locations.

Check these locations:

- In your C \ Windows \ System32

- In your C \ Windows \ SysWOW64 (note: you have this issue if your computer has a 64 bit processor)


Then download the d3dx9_43.dll file in 32 bit (important as it is in 32 bit). To download it, you can go to http://fr.dll-files.com/d3dx9_43.dll.html.

You downloads all the compressed file 32 bit (64 bit not careful, I insist), you unzipped and you place the file d3dx9_43.dll

in C \ Program Files or Program Files (x86) \ NCSOFT \ SNB \ bin.

You should find other d3dx9 dll files ... at that location also.

Relaunch the game and cross your fingers.


If this is not ca, ca also may have came from another dll file located in bin. Just check these dll files are not also present in System32 or SysWOW64.


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