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Stop complaining about the queue times....sheesh


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1 hour ago, Divinity117 said:

Lol, you don't seem to realize how big of an influence we, the gaming community, actually have over crap like this. Games literally rely on us to stay afloat, especially f2p games like this. If you seriously don't see an issue with the way the company is doing things, then great for you. Others, however, paid and freebies aren't happy with the constant queue times and a game that crashes often that leads them right back to queues. 

Ever play SWTOR?  The community has been trying to get them to change certain things for YEARS and they still have been unable to get anything accomplished.

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10 hours ago, dispatcher505 said:

I do not understand why people create a toon on an over populated server, then complain about the wait time when there are plenty of other servers to use.  If you create a toon and it says you're #2000 in line guess what, there are too many people trying to cram on that server.  Simply roll a toon on one thats not over crowded.  I mean, why sit there and bang your head against the wall waiting for a queue when you can roll on another server and be playing within minutes.  And then to blame Ncsoft because you dont do the obvious is insane.

Lets see. Maybe we dont want to end up with an advanced lvl toon on an empty server once the initial horde of people settles down. The queue system is for underage players who have more free time than money. There are anywhere from 200 to 500 Premium Players waiting in queue right now. People who have purchased a product they cant consume. So yeah, take that "sheesh" and you know what to do with it

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10 hours ago, dispatcher505 said:

I do not understand why people create a toon on an over populated server, then complain about the wait time when there are plenty of other servers to use.  If you create a toon and it says you're #2000 in line guess what, there are too many people trying to cram on that server.  Simply roll a toon on one thats not over crowded.  I mean, why sit there and bang your head against the wall waiting for a queue when you can roll on another server and be playing within minutes.  And then to blame Ncsoft because you dont do the obvious is insane.

Maybe because every server i try to join as a non-premium in EU ask me to wait for 1k+ (3k on windrest) users to join before i can do the same?

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Let me just add on to this that some players prefer to play with their friends or guild who already have existing characters on the server in question.
Let me also add that there is a hoard of new players joining the already present communities on the populated servers.

I don't know how limited you are as far as clan and group activities go to what players can do if they play on different servers, but if that excludes the possibility to play togheter on whatever content it is they want to play then it makes totally sense they complain about queue times because its keeping them from playing together.

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