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Performance check


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Heyo guys, I know theres been tons of threads about pc specs and etc, Id like just to check if its my side issue or the game performance itself.


Intel Core i5-3210M @ 2,50 GHz

GeForce GT 630M


Windows 10 Home premium


The main problem for me is FPS, as for many others. The thing is Ive never experienced in game going it above 50 fps (low or high settings doesnt change fps so much) I thought it might be cause of cpu or win10, but I saw many people with high-end computers having fps issues as well, so thats why Im checking if the specs I have atm are just enough or not, since its a laptop (which I presume desktop would be better) of category medium-gaming ones. Other games that require much more specs than BnS run great, just bns doesnt :( thanky for any answers in advance ;)

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one of the options in video settings is automatically limit FPS to 50.

the company that made this game also made TERA, and in tera people were constantly griefing about their FPS saying i have such a good system but only get,,,,

but yeah try finding that setting. you're using nvidia right? you should be fine...

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@Bradley sorry but you're wrong there NCSoft and BlueHole Studios are 2 completely different developers. I think you got their engines and developers confused (Unreal Engine being the engine used for YES, both of these games, but they didn't make this game). and those specs will probably get you low-mid although I'm not a super tech-savy guy.

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Well, ive tried running the game on full settings and low settings and the difference was maybe 7-10 fps, which means my system doesnt have that bad impact on the game as i thought. The 50 fps i mentioned was the cap ive ever reached in game, it was in super silent village with no players in :D i usually run at 20 - 30 fps. But its funny since I can run GTA V normally, even totally screwed optimization in MK 10 gives me better fps than bns :D

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On 1/19/2016 at 6:27 PM, Momos said:

@Bradley sorry but you're wrong there NCSoft and BlueHole Studios are 2 completely different developers. I think you got their engines and developers confused (Unreal Engine being the engine used for YES, both of these games, but they didn't make this game). and those specs will probably get you low-mid although I'm not a super tech-savy guy.

i honestly never did the research but now that you say it, i do recall different splash-screens for those studios - so you're correct xD

as far as settings the game seems to scale very well , for AMD the Catalyst and Radeon software both have specific presets for Blade & Soul, i'd start by playing with all defaults (no preset video-card profile or in-game settings changed.) Note to yourself how that feels. 

things that you'll notice early-game that are going to stress your card are rain/weather effect, fire/lighting effects, npc and players hands, certain hairstyles will look weird both texture and color (Yura, the female of the first 3 villans for example) but just because they cause a temporary drop in FPS doesn't mean you have to throttle down everything. Try and keep your camera semi zoomed or rotated so that less lighting has to be drawn (zoom above yourself like Link if you have to ;)

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