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Launcher won't download


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Give up man. I cannot download the game either. The only fix I am maybe seeing involves changing some settings through CMD. Sounds suspicious to me. Either way like you said, if we are getting bugs just trying to install the damn game...


Also there are by far way more posts in bug reporting then any other category on the forum. This game was clearly designed by people who have no clue what they are doing. Stay far the *cricket* away from this.

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I have been fighting with this thing for four days. My fiance even tried to upload his installation to have me download it. He must have tried about 15 different ways to go about it and every single one has resulted in the same *cricket* error. Why is nobody fixing this? Why is this such a problem in the first place!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're stuck on the download, try to run it as ADMIN and with all antivirus and things like that off. It may be something in your side blocking a file. MAY be, because yeah, the problem is probably from NCSoft side. I don't really know a good fix for that. You'll have to keep trying and trying until you get it. I know that sucks because I also had to do this.


But if you're stuck at repairing Files, You could try deleting a file named "Client Configuration", in C:\Users\~~YOUR USER~~\Documents\BnS\NCWEST.  Its the only file in the folder. By deleting it, your Launcher will REALLY have to repair your Launcher, and it MAY actually work properly. And you can also run in compatibility mode, as in the last one. And Run as Admin too. But yeah, waiting can solve it too, for like 20~40 minutes.


Its not guaranteed to work but it works with most of the people ;D

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