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Everything posted by ZigZack

  1. thats cool i hope they have enough premiums to "support" their game.
  2. well if you read some of these pages i'm not the "only" person talking about it.
  3. maybe when premium members start figuring that having the wardrobe behind a paywall is a silly idea and shouldn't be that way. theres no point.
  4. yet you believe i want them to take it away from premium's? i want them to replace it with something just as good to compensate. so get off my balls.
  5. yet here you are so blind trying to defend ncsoft on why they made wardrobe premium only. even though theres 0 and i mean 0 reasons for it. seems i'm the one with more common sense not to waste my money on this game. /thread/thread
  6. you gave suggestions? i got stuck in all of your white knighting to see any, poor NCSoft gonna become poor because everyone can store their outfits. also give the game a few more months and eventually that priority queue you all get is gonna become useless. /thread
  7. didn't know this was NCSoft's only game and they're poor and have to got out of their way to make outfit storage paywall. what i wanna know is why all you high horsed premium members are afraid of? you're not going to lose wardrobe access... even after you choose to stop being a member if you choose to do so you'll still have access and some of us even coined idea's on what they could do to replace or give us some space.
  8. cool so where am i going to put all these outfits? not in my inventory or bank cuz thats gonna take lots of space. also i'm not going to waste $15 per month just to be able to store my hard earned bought outfits.
  9. don't forget cash shop buyers but there would be more of those if everyone could use the wardrobe. but i like your standard cop out even though this game is really old and NCSoft pretty much didn't have to do anything but translate and get the game working on their servers.
  10. you do know cash outfits cost $10-20 right? its not just $10-15 for prem
  11. they could swap wardrobe for reduced price on windstriding or anything. premium membership already gets 21 benefits minus wardrobe and everyones freaking out how people want wardrobe to be for everyone. get off your high horses.
  12. the cosmetics in this game are mostly F2P, outfits are content and they're locking that content's storage utility behind a paywall.
  13. i have the money i'm just not stupid and going to blow it all on a game that has a stupid restriction you'd say the same thing if it was something else premium membership got.
  14. don't even remind of that game... can't believe i wasted money on a founders pack.... never again same way with premium memberships just done with them.
  15. i know i have no issues with you just sharing my point of view.
  16. wildstar was pretty much DOA with P2P and that game isn't old.
  17. well you pretty much answered it yourself inventory does play a major part but theres things like outfits that have their own storage but its locked so you have to use up your inventory space or bank space to put these items. tbh it was a bad example i pretty much meant if premium got something that should of been f2p beside wardrobe and i came in here and complained about it that high horsed premium members would come in here and argue against it.
  18. i don't want premium i'm more of a cash shop supporter but the cash shop items i would like to buy i can't store them i have to use up my inventory or bank space. *Can't hold all these outfits meme pwease*
  19. don't forget tera and wildstar also star wars the old republic.
  20. ok answer me this if premium locked full inventory space and bank vault space behind it's paywall and i came in here complaining and demanding f2p get full inventory and bank space do you think the white knight wallet warriors would be in here arguing with me about it? damn right they would be. wardrobe has no place being locked behind a paywall theres no reason for it to be when inventory space is already locked behind dragon pouches as it is.
  21. i don't want to sell my mats or hammers i don't want to sell anything i shouldn't have to. in my point of view i believe premium membership isn't worth it and having something like outfit storage as a paywall is silly Premium members deserve better. i want outfits i want to give them money for outfits but i'm not going to give them an extra $15 a month to be allowed to store all these outfits
  22. well don't think i don't want premium buyers to get the most for their $ because i do want them to and i believe they deserve something better than wardrobe. i don't know why people think i want want want when i've clearly said i want ncsoft to replace it with something better.
  23. well i rather spend my money else where on a game that are more deserving of my hard earned money. because i'm not spending $15 a month on 1 feature that has no place being behind a paywall ontop of wanting to spend $10-20 on outfits.
  24. why you care if wardrobe goes f2p or not? you clearly don't use it. and buying premium solely to have wardrobe is stupid in this sense that you clearly have shown not to use it fully. you get all this other stuff that gives premium users a slight edge over others but i've shown that i would want ncsoft to replace wardrobe with something probably better.
  25. making wardrobe f2p isn't going to crash their income like i said before it's most likely going to increase it with people buying the cash shop outfits. the fact those cash shop outfits can be more expensive than 30 days of premium should say something.
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