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  1. There's probably stuff you can force with the control panel or nvidia inspector, check for guides or things like directx injectors or presets (Sweetfx,Enbseries that kind of thing) for the Unreal Engine 3 or other games that use UE3 if there isn't anything specific for blade and soul. Though dx injectors carry some risk that the anti cheat software will not like it
  2. Yeah, UE3 is generally a very solid engine now. Of course what "running well" is, is somewhat subjective, but for me it's smooth around 40fps which is where the game runs maxed for me, 60fps or above would not be a problem with some slightly lowered settings and for screenshots, framerate isn't that important anyway.
  3. I would make sure that the game is using the Nvidia GPU when it's running, also make sure drivers are up to date. NVidia control panel->Manage 3d settings -> Blade and soul-> select preferred graphics processor->High performance nvidia processor I'm using a GTX860M and run the game with everything maxed fairly well @1080p, so a 970 shouldn't have any problems unless its something like a CPU or RAM bottleneck (mine is 8gb RAM, 64bit OS, Core i7 4700HQ, so anything higher shouldn't be a hardware issue)
  4. Had to buy this outfit for my trap summoner, Plus with the new hairstyle it's a fresh look with glasses. Also some bugs landing me in some odd looking areas for screenshot opportunities.
  5. While waiting for maintenance, my trap summoner.
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