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Posts posted by Yurp

  1. 11 hours ago, Nivalias said:

    The problem is that it's not enough to just know your own class in PvP, you also need to know all the other classes, with their different specs and talent combinations.

    But it's not like removing the curfew will make people start actually learning to "play the class", so your argument is invalid.


    Again, that's beside the point. It doesn't matter how skewed 6v6 is, people queue up because it's worth it for them. Which apparently can't be said about Arena anymore. This could be remedied with better rewards, but then you run the risk of worseing the already broken economy.


    In any case, just making it available 24/7 on its own won't solve anything. Rather it makes the whole "PvP is dead" a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    true, it'll let those who did take the time out to learn other classes to pvp more time to pvp. for those who dont wanna pvp, it doesnt affect them if theirs a curfew or not, so remove it 😃 glad we agree

    "pvp is dead" yet when 2 am hits people are wanting to keep playing i think ur idea of how 6v6 is different from those who actually play it but i guess that happens when u sit on forums, gg, remove curfew ignore hooligans

  2. 2 hours ago, GenericNick said:

    Hunters refuge would have been dominated by speedhackers / C engineers.

    You wouldn't profit a diddly squat from it.

    It's better it never returns in the curent state of the game.

    theirs no hackers in this game , u people are delusional. bring back hunters refuge, this is not an alt account, i am not trolling @Hime we need a bit of gold for these upgrades, hunters refuge please! 


    1 hour ago, Drakor said:

    Hunters Refuge was Great for Hackers, HC PvPers and Whale Clans who took over the channels and kept everyone else out therefore obtaining a ton of gold and mats but for everyone else it SUCKED. Do a Search and look at all the posts about what everyone thought about this event.

    The only way anyone would want it back is if the PvP was eliminated all together, even with 10 channels the only ones that would be making gold and obtaining mats would be Hackers, PvPers and Whales.

    When this event was introduced I tried it with my main and found myself dead after a second once I managed to get in ( which was a total Hell ). Once inside I was killed by players camping the spawn spot so their friends and clan mates could farm

    Incorrect , but add 20-30 channels so its fine, they know what went wrong the first time , can make adjustments for it to be playable for all, every player could use gold, because not every player is even close to being in the top 60% of gear in this game, in reality most players still have on gear from 2 years ago which is crazy to me but w/e. obviously seems like people need some gold to afford these upgrades 😃 add 20 channels , please

  3. 3v3 is dead because no player who started playing during and after 2018 has no idea how to play pvp in this game and says whale this or that when in reality they literally just have no idea how to play the class.

    1v1 is same explanation as 3v3, people queue up and get instant 100-0'd say a class is unbalanced but in reality they arent even using their iframes or block or know how to tech chase. so gg spar first with friends look up guides on pvp, practice like all the people who play this game for 7 years did and then queue up

    6v6 isnt a big shot play ground, its a "At least try" playground, half the time i see new players just queue up and say "they out gear me i afk" which to a degree sure u can say if theirs a huge gear gap then theirs nothing u can do, but those same players who say that walk in with pve gear and thornbreaker wep, instead of farming the pvp gear from master hong or normal mode dungeons, or doing their dailies for unity to get their passive stats up as well. these are all player issues.

    Time constraint doesnt need to be there for new players refusing to look up guides or practice or read, remove it so people can continue playing 6v6 or arena for as long as they would like. 

  4. It is a place where can talk with other PvPers + learn how to do PvP yourself! With the help of moderators from across the top clans (both PvE & PvP) and class mentors being able to assist!

    The server has been remade to be more friendly to new and returning players who may be interested to get back into the swing of things! The toxic players will be removed due to severity of their actions and words. The server offers:
    - Specific class channels to ask/answer questions in
    - Suggestions of how to be able to gear up and start
    - A long history of doing 6v6 & doing arena as well


    If interested, come be a part of the community! If have any questions, contact Uno#0277 or the other moderators!


    Permanent Server Link:

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  5. It is a place where can talk with other PvPers + learn how to do PvP yourself! With the help of moderators from across the top clans (both PvE & PvP) and class mentors being able to assist!


    The server has been remade to be more friendly to new and returning players who may be interested to get back into the swing of things! The toxic players will be removed due to severity of their actions and words.


    The server offers: - Specific class channels to ask/answer questions in - Suggestions of how to be able to gear up and start - A long history of doing 6v6 & doing arena as well If interested, come be a part of the community!


    If have any questions, contact Uno#0277 on discord or the other moderators!

    Permanent Server Link: https://discord.gg/SjsDT9b3xz

  6. Add Sanctum core chest to Nm and hm dungeons. It makes 0 sense to give 1 per dynamic when the drop rate is this abysmal for nm, and then hm gives none.  NM should be giving more than 1 because thats a spit in someones face, and hm should be double that. Hm needs to have cores simply for the fact that if you are farming best pve hm gear u still have to do 250 runs of nm after u run HM for X amount of runs for 1 pvp accessory. kinda redundant to make us run nm even more than we have to run hm since hm doesnt give cores.

    The core amount needed for NM gear is uncalled for, the gear is a year old, returning players are trying to farm new pvp accessories, and shouldnt see abysmal rates + no way to farm it decently because u need 250 runs for 1 piece. 

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