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  1. Let me explain things regarding whales from a different perspective. At one point in life on another game I made a similar topic pointing out similar situations regarding their game being pay to win. Simply put from a whale's perspective I was told this. Whales are what is keeping the game alive! If it wasn't for them, then there wouldn't be a game to play for you to rant and complain about. This is how NCSoft gets the money it needs to stay in business. Yes I said it, "business!" Everyone needs to remember that word because all businesses need to make a profit to stay in business regardless of what others may think! Some of these people who are whales have full time jobs or jobs that require more than 40+hours a week! They barely have the time for this game as is! What I was told by this person was that he worked 40+hours/week and barely has enough time to spend his money from his good paying job. So in order for him to enjoy the game to it's fullest with what little time he has, he pays to win to stay ahead and maximize his enjoyment of the game for what little time he spends on it. If anything drives a business, its money! Nothing is going to change unless the whales who keep your game alive boycott the game.
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