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Booker DeWitt

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  1. what? you say bns earlier build is from 2009 and then say cs go is not younger than bns? bns hit open beta in korea in 2011 while cs go got released in 2012? and how is optimization the biggest manufacturer cost? when it dosent require any physical implementation....you dont produce anything so there is no production cost....just salary for some programmers that had years to work on it , its not much to ask at all..... at this time it became somewhat of a staple of any live service...to improve its performance over the years.... just look at black dessert...they've launched a remastered game version with overhauled graphics improved significantly....and yet they lowered their minimum specs....a game from 2015 .... so a game from 2011 can have 0 optimization even though its working with objectively lower dated textures and graphics.... why cant it copy and learn from this example....black dessert didnt loose tens of thousands by optimizing when remastering...if they did, they probably wouldnt even do it.... they just spend some time configuring their game engine...... you cant say its business model is to exclude customers when the game companies that chose to optimize their product have more income....they generate more....by attracting the same demographic who wouldnt invest in their game which is denied here...
  2. Blade and soul is older than cs go...... yes playing with old hardware is rubbish and delivers a dreadful experience.... but i'm thinking what if he is a kid....everybody has a starting point....why not something like that what the og has... before reaching that point where he would upgrade to a more suited set up.......then what are his options? he should rather go and play aion, or guild wars 2 or elder scrolls online or black dessert ? which are games if not from the same period, newer......... that on their official page their lowest specs allow him to play..... because his 11 years old rig cant support a game from 2011...... a lot of kids start up with an awful pc.... until they move on to a better one, wouldn't it be better to have them ask themselves ,, oh woaw , i wonder how blade and soul would look on this sweet juicy hot beast of a pc " by giving them a chance to play this instead of any other mmorpg....and not moving out... we should get them hooked on the experience now...while they are still fresh and young and have the hours to pour into the game...
  3. there are also games that demand high end pc and have a dead playerbase......the topic behind that is game design....not scalability or accessibility...the difference is that one could be a bad game while the other dosen't even get as many reviews because people cant even run it to give it a try and experience it to see what it holds.....design ,gameplay is what makes a game good or bad....accessibility is the gate that lets you in or out..... which isnt the case for blade and soul, the game is great...it innovates , little to no game could manage to reproduce what they made.....its a brilliant game , a masterpiece from all points of views... the base experience and gameplay it offers is unparalleled .....unfortunately it is well known for having optimization problems...and i'm not talking about bugs and glitches.... hold up now....you are saying league of legends , dota , counter strike are pc burners? ....they specs they have now...in 2021 are the updated ones..when they came out in their initial form...they were at the time of being low key trash specs everyone could afford.....and for a fact....these most played and popular games didn't have big names or big company to root for their success ..... dota started as a mod made by 1 person....1 player who got bored of the mainstream core experience....it had no trailer, no dev talk , no support from any third party , no funds , no hype not even a consecrated player base since it was a new genre...... league of legends as a company at that time had no previous product launched, by all means at that time a indie company.... so no hardcore fanboys to support whatever product they release....but what all these big hits had in common....is accessibility ....they catered to the wider audience....it didn't matter who you were ...or where you were...you can download it and play even at school lvl pc....lol is joked about running on pentium 4 at this day..... and keep in mind that these games are world renowned for the toxicity and player hate towards their own game, the devs and any update....they simply lack any other consistent experience to get them hooked and thrilled on a game that offered amazing combat , great content and be available to everyone regarding of their specs..... now compare this to bns launch.....i don't mean the fact that it was region locked and it came to the west after what, 5 years? but what were the specs then? for a 2011 game when it first released? compared to other big tittles? you cant deny that these games had success factored in with their low spec requirements meaning anyone could hop in..... and to say that a company....whose sole interest in releasing a product.... making a game...is to make money... has a business model to cater and entitle only upon the whales while rejecting those who don't have buying power is a foolish claim...there is no downside on making your game be accessible to a wide spectrum ..... oh but server intricacy and all those mechanisms are expensive.....so you are saying that in 2021 there is nothing to be done and there are no work-arounds for that? ....even new world...who is backed by the giant amazon still cuts its looses in server upkeep cost by making some features client-side....there are plenty of solutions that can be implemented fairly cheap.... like other mmorps on the market currently have done..... even black dessert minimum spec are 9800 gtx which is even lower than what he has with i3 and 4 gb ram.....which offer a playable experince whatsoever....add a few tweaks and even in town you can maneuver..... now compare bns revenue with the revenue of these aformentioned games which are available at at much grander scale....and tell me how the lively-hood , the state of the game and its future prospect isn't tied to this number....of how much money it makes.... for example, lets look at china , india.... in some parts in india a guy who works on his computer doing his thing.... gets paid 6 dollars a day...by your standard it would be considered dirt cheap low key poor.....even though he is happy since he can feed his numerous family.....by all means there couldn't exist a gaming industry let alone be in a prolific state....... especially since there are no whales to back them up..... then how can you explain that mobile gaming industry in there dethroned the most well established more traditional branches? earning more money as a industry than their everlasting anchored deep rooted in their society and traditions businesses that followed the model that brought maximum capital.....is it because the funds of the player base itself wont solely grant the game its grand success? so ultimately it does not matter if you make your game available , having in mind only to attract whales because you think that's how you attract funds....no...its a different phenomenon .... its about numbers .... more players...more fervour and reputation....that how you hit it globally, on an international scale....you make a name for yourself, create a strong brand.... investors find potential and are attracted solely by the big number of people connected to that name.......that's how clubs and associations are created( which wont pay tribute to you, they have to pay royalties) and before you know it they enter a partnership program , with a division of dedicated content creators being hired and given exclusive content to attract their own audience but in return they share a margin of their profit with the devs....with merch being shipped out under the brand returning revenue ....attracting private investors....and with such a competitive , strategic and fun to watch game it leaves room to e-sport which can be highly commercialized which in turn will attract sponsors that want to be featured....and before you know it all this people will pay up for using your name and brand to make profit also returning it....... the idea is the game makes money off the players back indifferent if he is rich or poor....as long as he plays the game...is genuinely interested and invested(not economically) in the game , even without pouring money directly in the company ,the devs still earns because of him.... now how exactly is the concept of making the game generally available to as many people as it can, is a bad business practice? when all they can do is gain from it...and we as a community also its hurtful to see other greedy devs delivering incomplete , unpolished, unfinished mobile games and reap the rewards and undeserved fame when you have such a brilliant gem slowly fading into obscurity, divided.....when it has so many beautiful things to offer....create heartwhelming memories that you cherish even for a sec in this never ending torrent of negativity.... games arent supposed to divide.....to seclude humans alike...especially if the have the same desire......when were the times in which we would embark on this new journey, unfolding before our very own fragile eyes, as equals ....it didn't matter who you were in real life....or your progress in the real world...if you had a dispute you would solve it in the arena once and forever where only your skill and knowledge could tell you apart....in this dimension it didnt matter if u were poor or rich....all your problems would be put on pause until you returned....a bit sad to think how games shut down because the lack of players which result in the company not making the money they wanted.....after all for us.....the players .. it was never about money....i hope bns dosent go on that dark grim cruel path....i hope nothing but the best for it..and its players... who endure... i dont think its faire....if you're poor or young.... you are limited to a few handful of games....not much to select.....the very same old games.....that you are able to play.....tired to play....; that;s what brings them such high success on the world stage....why not have the same with this? add this to the classics
  4. I really have to explain why the devs should support low spec configuration? ......so let me get this straight......as a company....having less clients will have a bigger flux of cash and generate more income ? oh great then....why are the biggest e-sports with huge prize pools based on games who can run on potatoes? why are the most viewed games on twitch, most played games on steam chart or any other platform require most basic of specs to be played and amass greatest numbers of players? you say low spec make only about 10% of the population in the game....well if the game supported such, don;t you think those numbers would be different? after all....statistically the number of ppl who can afford high end is drastically smaller than those who run with stuff like that....especially as teens demographic
  5. ....all these people bashing on someone for having low spec....as a player, isn't it in your interest for the game to have player retention? to attract and appeal to a bigger audience?....so that you won't go and whine and complain about playing a ,,dead game" or no new players.....after all ,the more players a game has the more likely it is for the company to keep the game going and invest in it.....yet you obliterate him for trying to find a solution to work things out...and struck him down for not being able to afford a high end pc to run it, your best advice being to quit..... dont get me wrong,im not hating on anybody who owns a performant pc, and by all means they should be able to enjoy the highest quality available for their product....but add options, make graphical fidelity in layers....give options for those who struggle...either by optimizing or giving an alternative for those in lesser luck.... its easy for everyone to just come around and shun down someone for not being able to play something they enjoy without thinking about their current situation or their whereabouts , or have any idea of the living conditions around the world......keep in mind that has a game the target demographic are kids, teens, adolescent....by all means everyone can play regardless of age....but contradict me if as an adult who has plenty of responsibilities and work they have the same amount of free time to spend on videogames....and as we all know it in the legislation child labour is considered cheap, most of the times the pay being less than the minimum wage......so what you are saying is ,, oh if he poor , then videogames shouldn;t even represent a concern for him "......but by the time you are financially balanced you would have so much responsibility that simply put you wont have the time to enjoy games as you did when u were a child.... now pair that with .....for example , lets say you live in switzerland ,statistically a country in the top 4% globally in yearly minimum wage rate....you can say ,,but everything is expensive, the prices match the salary because of capitalism " ....well capitalism is global ....consumerism is a plague that affects everyone....the same 1k pc u have that is required to be able to play the game...is also being sold everywhere else....maybe even a little bit more expensive to due the inflation and devaluation of different currency's .......now imagine being in a third developed country where your average pay is 300 euros....from which you also have to pay rent,bills,taxes,food maybe help out your family....and then come to me and say : ,,ye,.you have the same buying power as i do, we're equal" i'm not asking for a display of sympathy ....or any sort of empathy...but at least cover the bear minimum of human decency and don't be rude and toxic with a man who genuinely wants to play the game and be a part of this community....you can brag or say whatever u want, if u don't want to help him its fine, just don't be jerks and pour salt over his wounds, im pretty sure if he was capable of upgrading he would have done it beforehand thus not even creating this topic you can call me a snob for having this meaningless rant....and a hypocrite for lecturing you.....but at least im not the one who : ,, imagine being poor in day and age"....... you help no one by saying that...and you bring no value in this concern even though its less likely low end pc could run the game at decent fps listed blow are a few general optimizations ranging from plain and simple to some quirky stuff, please make a back up or a restoration point in case anything goes shabby -configuring your graphics cards you probably already updated your driver ,if not please do so. after you should go into nvidia control panel go to adjust image setting set it on use advanced 3d settings, then click manage 3d settings, program settings tab, click add, then add the executable for blade and soul from where you installed it, click ,, select preferred graphic processor" and choose high-performance nvidia processor ; at global set: ambient oclusion -performance, anisotropic filtering -application controlled , antialiasing FXAA -off , antialiasing mode -application controlled, antialiasing transparency -off , CUDA GPUs -all , DSR factors -off , low latency mode - ultra , multi framed sample AA -off ; OpenGL rendering GPU -set it to your graphic card ; power management mode - prefer maximum performance ; preferred refresh rate - highest available ; shader cache -on ; texture filtering anisotropic sample omitmization - on ; texture filtering negative LOD bias - on ; texture filtering quality - high performance ; texture filtering trilinear optimization - on ; threaded optimization - auto ; triple buffering - off ; vertical synch - off ; virtual reality pre-rendered frames - 1 -general windows settings in your settings tab go to system>notification and action and turn off all the switches ; under focus assist you will turn it off and all the switches below ; under multitasking turn off all the snap functions and timeline ; at shared experiences turn off ; if u dont use remote desktop turn it off haswell ; then click home and go to gaming tab then at the game bar :turn off game bar ; at the game dvr turn off game recording and recording audio ; if u dont use xbox turn off true play aswell ; back at the home go to the privacy tab and in general turn off everything ; turn off everything at diagnostic and feedback +at the icon of your pc right click and go to properties > advanced system settings in the advanced tab at performance click custom and uncheck everything apart from smooth edges of screen font and show thumbnails instead of icons; then in this window go to the advanced tab and set processor scheduling to programs then click change at the virtual memory and uncheck automatically manage paging file, then click each drive that u have and set it to no paging file, after this is done click either your ssd, if u have none then click the hard drive which dosent contain your games, if u only have 1 hard drive click that one and set it to system manage size +in search type msconfig and click the system configuration, in the boot tab select your windows 10 installation directory in advance options check number of processors and select the highest number. after that in the configuration menu again select no gui boot and at the timeout type 5 +in the search bar type power plan and click it, at the top of the bar click power options then select the option change advanced power settings under hard disk then turn off hard disk after: and set it to 0 then scroll down to processor power management and under minimum processor state : while plugged in set it to 100% also set maximum processor state: while plugged in to 100% -windows registry in search bar type run, and in the run box type regedit, at registry editor click on : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE<SOFTWARE<microsoft<windows nt<current version<multimedia<system profile click system profile once and in the right box open network throttling index at value data type fffffff ;that is f but 7 times; go back and enter system responsiveness and set value data to 0. now on the left hand panel double click system profile and go to taks and then to games; in the games folder on the right screen there should be GPU priority ,enter it and set the value data to 8, in priority set value data to 6 ; in scheduling category just type in ,,High" under value data Note: in the previous version of blade and soul using unreal engine 3 you were able to go into config files and change some values to some properties to make the game run better at the cost of visual performance....i think something similar could be done with the new version but i haven't done any testing in that regard sorry.....i hope you nothing but the best.....and maybe in time you will get to that point where u can enjoy the things u like
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