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Better Pewsai

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Everything posted by Better Pewsai

  1. Mao and Eva HM are still bugged with no sign of any change, resulting in a loss of at least 60g per gold (if done daily with one character). That's about 1.500 lost gold since the shitty emergency maintenance that broke those quests. Not only is there no gold compensation, now we are allowed to pay you money for gold. Great...
  2. We are about two start the second week of Demonsbane. I always thought of the release of Aerodrome as the real start of UE4, because it brought both the Breaker System and the Responsive Dungeon Combat System - key systems of the UE4 update. Or at least, it should have brought them... While the Breaker System made it into the game, the new Combat System is missing completely. This was teased in May: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/5006/unreal-engine-4-responsive-dungeon-combat-system. And it is working flawlessly in Korea. However, to my knowledge, NCWest has not even recognized that this feature is still missing for EU/NA. Even worse, the system is actually in place and can be activated through third-party modifications. Why is the playerbase able to figure this out while NCWest does not even notice that they shipped an incomplete product? Moreover, the second season of Forest of Echoes as the Challenge Mode has started, and the Challenge Mode mechanic is still not visible. Any attempts to make NCWest aware of this issue are simply swept under the rug. I assume that this can also be circumvented by third-party modifications to the client, thus allowing some people to achieve much higher rankings on the leader board. While the modification for the Demonsbane system has been made rather public, such modifications for Challenge Modes are obviously kept rather private, because these players naturally want to achieve the best ranking possible. Both Aerodrome and Challenge Mode provide a seemingly arbitrary points system with no clear indication on how to improve your rating, as these systems are simply not visible to the playerbase. Additionally, shadows are still crippling the game performance. While Korea received an optimization for shadows during one of the first patches after the release of UE4, it apparently has not been shipped to the EU/NA client either. The amount of sub-par or incomplete features for EU/NA compared to the Korean version of the game is both astonishing and frustrating. Not to mention the total shitshow of a progression system for new players, which basically comes down to "boost or bust" ever since Call to Arms ended. I am very much looking forward to the implementation of an anti-cheat system, although I start to doubt that we will ever get one. However, NCWest also needs to get their ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ together, otherwise this will just leave us with a broken game.
  3. Before UE4, the game was basically a XML trading card game. And XML were necessary to stay competetive. Some players rather paid for XML than for premium. Since UE4, the game feels much more healthy. But without anti cheat, this will be only temporary. People have started using XML edits again. And once community members release convenient ways to add them again, it will become a wide-spread problem.
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