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Everything posted by Tielin

  1. Thanks NCsoft for providing such amazing patches refine our enjoyment in Blade and Soul! I will surely enjoy my free time outside of the game! Can't even list the disappointments you have made recently. Three failed updates so far in a row. UE4 wont save this game anymore...
  2. Okay, let's make this quick and simple: FIX THE GAME. 1. Reduce boss' hps or revert gold nerf. 2. Fix the solo instances. 3. Add more options for dailies. 4. Add Orb of Ascension shards back. Probably more I forgot but these are a good start. If not, then bye. You will save some money for me because I won't have to buy premium and a new ssd... You provide exactly NOTHING to the game. The community does that instead of you: academy discord, RR discord, guides, wiki, simple fixes... turn the community against you and the game will die (the common answer on reddit is to stay away already). The same happened in age of wushu :) kept messing up the game and they kept using cheaper and laggier servers so its even unplayable for the whales, and now, no turning back.
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