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  1. The thing i've noticed with these "Rant, I'm leaving" posts is that they never comeback to like, respond to the arguments or feedback they get on their first post. It's almost like it's.. Ranting just for attention sometimes, But not to improve their experience in the game, Just because the want to yell about how unfair things are.
  2. Really? No reply or update the entire week ? No communication on why the treasure draw never started?
  3. Every one i know either does stg 5 or 8 every day. Don't know why you think people do stg 1, much better dynamic rewards from stg 5 and even better from 8 Don't spend money, the F9 thing is very bad for gold value and none of the quantaties in store, rng box, trove etc are not worth spending money on. Battle pass is alittle worth. Sell 90 day premium for like 450k is probably the most worth for NCoin, doing that often, it's good gold for NCoin. Just use succession. My +20 stuff goes to +16 of the newest things. 10k bap is very low nowdays. I dropped my alt at like 8800 bap (like 2 months ago i dropped him now) because i hit like a wall there and it was annoying trying to find parties and the dmg was just abyssmal compared to main. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also just as a final thing, NCsoft does very little to combat botting or cheating in this game. My entire clan window is just people botting one specific dungeon for upgrade materials all day. I don't because i think it's wrong to cheat like that, But these people get a lot of mats from this and that is how they get +20 on the newest accessories so fast
  4. Could you like say which dungeon you were doing ? the name of it Because orb of shadow tells me nothing
  5. Any one who was excited for that was delusional from the start. All their new games will have mainly Mobile in focus. Thus the stiff attacks and auto-combat. Just be happy that they did not close BnS to focus on Throne and Liberty. Bluehole shutdown Tera in favor of elyon. Elyon died within a year in the west.
  6. Hey. The treasure draw event never started last week, even tho we have been getting tickets. But the event window never appeared. Will it start after maintenance ?
  7. Hey. Thursday this week is a Holiday for a lot of countries. Now imagine this right.. What if... The Devs screw up ranking ladder & weekly rewards and then take a 4 day weekend off work instead of fixing the problems 😮
  8. It used to always drop 100% from the last of the 3 Mushin's. But i just went there and did it and, no drop. Just take as a rule of thumb not to trust any information you see on wiki's or other such Websites, because they are very outdated at this point Only trust what is written on the Academy or Alice discords.
  9. Yeah it is incredibly sad that the Mods/devs/Managers don't even know how much materials are needed to upgrade things. They don't seem to know how the game actual works and functions on the upgraing, Which i just find weird, Because they are the devs and managers. I would spend a lot of money if they just put out bundles with proper amounts of Oculus fragments.
  10. I had mine since Sandstorm temple was current content. It sucks, but it is what they decided.
  11. There is nothing in story that requires group. So that is not in any way what you need to do
  12. The NCwest team has nothing to do with class balance. Only the devs in KR handle that and those changes were made months ago to their version of the game, since we get patches long after they do. Your post on the Western forums will have no impact on what happens over in korea and no, they are not going to make a version specifically for us in the west
  13. If this is how you feel, then you will need to use class voucher every time it comes. Because classes will go up and down in power overtime, Mostly down for newly released classes- Astro, Dual blade and Bard all OP on Release.. then nerfed down overtime. Time to get new friends? This has never happent to me and i am fairly low geared compared to others and my class feels weaker nowdays, only doing 200-250M on stage 8 DB's the Bard in my daily train is usually around double so 400-500M I don't know where you find these people, But this did not happen even when i was doing dailies and content on a lower geared alt for a while. Tho that alt had grab, so i guess people enjoyed that. I can, I am never going to play a ranged class as main, I want to be melee and i want to be able to tank the boss. Bard can do their twice my dmg if they want to, I'm not switching to bard or Gunslinger.. I don't want to play that 😄
  14. Never base your class choice on meta or a tier list. buffs, Nerfs and changes happen all the time, Especially on newly released classes. only choose based on what class you enjoy playing, Not what numbers they do on meter.
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