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Posts posted by mesmer

  1. True,

    skill and classbalance patches take way to long to come over to EU/NA region.

    Substratum for example is soon gone from demonsbane rotation and FM/DES grabs are still bugged in terms of not applying debuff damage.

    Lets not talk about releasing third spec gunner in the KR release state where it was just super bad, and now here with the super delayed skillpatch times we have to wait for 4 months for it to be usefull?



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  2. Hello and thank you for your reply Green Storm that means a Lot to me!

    As a month has gone by, Things stay the Same they are since the  deamonsbane system and the new Accessoires got released.

    There are to many, to expensive Things to afford in this Game.

    As already mentioned by @Cupidstar the Sheer amounts of

    -Ethereal Vials we need for unity Upgrades or Mythical Badges

    -Gem Powders, Pet Pods we need for Weapon or Pet Gems

    -Sacred Vials, Per Pods and Sterling Scales we need for Soul, Pet and Heart Upgrades

    -Gold we need to Upgrade the Mythical Stages on Soul, Heart, Pet and Talisman

    -Gold we need to fuse our Insignias (Super Expensive)

    -Gold we need for literally EVERYTHING, fusing psyches on Gear pieces, fusing Grand psyches, crafting Gems, buying needed Materials to Upgrade, even unity fusing in lower Stages, nothing is for free, everything costs gold.

    Letting Mythical Accessoires aside, yet alone what i described above is MORE then enough gold needed. 


    So now what to do? As Gold beeing a generall Problem and Not only a Problem on Mythical Accessoires its the best step to increase the Servers goldincome. 

    Taking a Look into deamonsbane Mythical Accessoires in Special, how about reducing the amount of Synthesis Stones needed to try to Upgrade on the Same amount the Korea Server has? 

    If someone is into it and addicted to do His daily Farm he is able to aquire a good amount of Synthesis Stones over time, reducing the amount we need of Them to Upgrade will already be a good step into balancing Things Out. Please Note that this consideration is only about Mythical Accessoires, the General Problem of the to low gold income persists.






  3. So, @Green Storm any words by you regarding the topic?

    Or are you guys seriously going to ignore the topic, posts, opinions and possible solutions?

    I request an answer here ASAP everything else is just pure disrespekt against your playerbase and wont be tolerated any longer.

    Scrolling through the forum actually let me see there are many other contributions, maybe not as accurate as mine, but treating the same points like gold income, synthesis stone costs, to much RNG and the sheer amount of bugs starting with beeing unable to enter "Den of the Ancients".

    You have to make a statement im totally serious beeing treated disrespektful by getting ignored will lower the morale and hope for the game of the remaining players you have down to 0.

    • Like 2
  4. There was a reason i did not count in Gold from selling stuff at the market or from raids aside of the gold that is effectively generated for free by the raid quest itself.

    Aswell about crafting Pet Pods, i do so. A lot. However i dont sell them because i plan to use them to progress with gear by myself and even if i sell them.... crafting maybe 7 a week will result in 1400 gold at max so its yet 1,5 trys to click mythical accessories.

    The generall intention of the post was just to point out that its impossible to generate enough gold WITHOUT taking it from other players via 6 sellraids a week or selling each mat you find along the way. It doesnt even come close to beeing able to maintain "max gear" which should be doable having a look at how much im playing this game.

    Ofc i forgot to mention we can sell Legendary Jewels and Elements for 5 gold each so its 100 gold more per char/week. Kap

    And i dont want to talk about people who spent lower time grinding in BnS with more limited time. The values in post are my personal values and i highly doubt there are a lot of players that play the game as much as i do aside of few.

    There have to be changes at the basic gold income.

    • Like 2
  5. Dear Support,

    In the last 4 years, there was not a single time where I stopped enjoying Blade and Soul.
    I've invested 4 years only in this one game, seeing its ups and downs, playing it almost every day and always having great fun.

    However, the current state of the game and the direction that it is going in is nothing but frustrating. 


    The biggest problem is the laughable amount of gold we generate in EU/NA. 

    Let's first take a  look at how much gold is needed to upgrade accessories.
    These  4 examples  show you how much saved up gold has been depleted from the Server Jinsoyun.
    1'000'000g = Ring +20, Earrring +20, Necklace +20
    950'000g = Ring +18, Earrring +18, Necklace +18
    800'000g = Ring +18, Earrring +17, Necklace +18
    700'000g = Ring +18, Earrring +17, Necklace +18


    Look at the following spreadsheet to see how many attempts are needed to reach a certain stage with the probability of 50%, 90% or even 99% 

    At a success rate of 50% which is considered to be VERY lucky you need about 180'000 gold total per accessory. 
    However that's a lucky case and in reality it's more likely to require 300'000 gold to get to +20 accessories.
    So it takes us about 1 million gold each semester to try and keep up  being "max gear".
    At the current release speed of dungeons its even less then a semester to upgrade again.
    At least that is the amount of gold needed for only accessories without adding the costs of weapon, soul, heart, pet and talisman, weapon/pet gems or ethereal vials.


    And now for calculating the actual gold income from an active player like myself:
    11 dungeons + 2 solo dungeons = ~240g/day (strongest character)
    7 dungeons + 2 solo dungeons = ~120g/day (alt characters)
    6 weekly dungeons = ~220g/week (every character)
    5 weekly raids = ~1500g/week (strongest character/BM, IA, ET, VT and TT)
    2 weekly raids = ~400g/week (alt characters/TT and VT)
    Demonsbane rewards: 12'000g each month (assuming rank 2 in every ranking , average income would be WAY lower for most players) 


    If I add everything together with my 8 characters, I make about ~13'600g each week.
    That might sound like a lot, but the time invested for this gold amount is ridiculous.
    I am playing every day roughly 5 hours and on the weekends up to 10 hours just to try and keep up my gold income.
    And just to mention I am working full time next to Blade and Soul so every hour I am trying to earn gold I sleep less.

    And if we add my gold up to the previous mentioned 1 million gold each semester.
    (26 weeks x 13'600g) + (6 months x 12'000g) = ~425'000g


    As you can see there is no possible way to upgrade everything with the amount of gold needed and effectively generated.
    It starts to seem like there is no point in playing Blade and Soul if you can never reach "max gear" at all.


    BUT... if we take a look at Korean Servers:
    Kaebi ~1'000g/day (on each character)
    11 dungeons + 3 solo dungeons = ~360g/day (strongest character)
    7 dungeons + 2 solo dungeons = ~180g/day (alt characters)
    6 weekly dungeons = ~320g/week (every character)
    5 weekly raids = ~2400g/week (strongest character/BM, IA, ET and TT)
    1 weekly raids = ~350g/week (alt characters/TT)
    Demonsbane rewards: 12'000g/week AND 20'000g each month

    If I add everything up taking my 8 characters above as an example I make about ~86'500g each week. That's ~540% more than we do on EU/NA server.
    Lets now sum that up like above to a semester.
    (26 weeks x 86'500g) + (6 months x 20'000g) = ~2'350'000g -> 5,5x the gold amount you can get in EU/NA.


    Where is the faireness in that system? Do you really want us all to quit the game because you make it IMPOSSIBLE to progress in the game, reach milestones or achieve something?
    I'm not a casual player at all, I want to keep up my max gear but it is completely impossible to do so without buying gold from external sources.

    My wish and last hope for the EU/NA server would be to massively increase the amount of gold gained by completing a dungeon, for Demonsbane farmers add additional gold like 100 gold on each 41+ dynamic or something.
    In general increase the gold that is generated on the server. There are no gold sources left to keep up progressing.
    The game in its current state will soon come to an end when everyone realizes where the game is currently heading to: enjoy, progress, getting limited by gold income, beeing forced to buy gold for real life money from external sources.


    As a last mention I have to talk about synthesis stones. KR requires 20 of them for accessory upgrades from stage +19 to +20 while we require 100? Excuse me? 
    As a high ranked in  Demonsbane  you'd get 60 Synthesis Stones each week and ~15 per day from Forest of Echoes Dynamic.
    That's ~165 Synthesis Stones each week. This has to be a joke to be able to upgrade 1 time with Synthesis Stones a week?

    There is no reason to grind at all, because the rewards we get on EU/NA are way too low to make up the time spent. 
    Myself  and many players are contemplating  quitting this game because of the reasons mentioned above above.


    Dear community, what are your results/experiences so far regarding mythical accessories and the upgrade cost? 
    Please NCWest, take care of that problem and dive into the issue @Greenstorm
    Letting the things stay  the way they are will lead to many players quitting.


    Best regards,

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