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Mak Sobo

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Posts posted by Mak Sobo

  1. @Sunshine@Hime


    Hate to be one of those guys, tagging who I can to get some kind of answers, but I have sat here for an hour and a half+ desperately trying to not crash and do the fishing part of the CtA event. Which.. at the only place that's slightly optimized enough to handle 3-5 people in one place, in Moonwater-- you're only going to get 15 per fish. With the long animation still in tact. Not even the bait we were TOLD we were going to get (Taigongs) would make that any more reasonable or doable.


    I and others legitimately cannot get close to the fishing spot in Dasari or Moon Ref. without instantly crashing. (And no, this isn't me having a bad PC either.) There is absolutely no way, getting less than 1200 pearls in an hour, that getting the 100k needed for CtA is viable in the slightest. Not with the crashing, not with the nominal amount of bait given compared to needed, and honestly? I usually don't give up on these kinds of things, but it's beyond frustrating to me and everyone I know in game.


    What was the intent behind it being THIS costly in pearls, knowing the memory leaks and crashes there were common? I don't even mind the dungeon aspects, that's been fine to me. But this is the hill I plan to die on-- this feels like a slap in the face, to make opening the boxes unnecessarily difficult unless we buy the key packs!! Which now are going to be far more expensive than the last CtA. Seriously?! Why? It's kinda obvious now that's going to be the way things are, and I have played since BETA, and it feels like I'm getting my teeth smacked in.


    Please, can there be some consideration for better options or a reduction on the pearls needed. I don't even mind if it'd be still a thing-- just please, look at it. Consider what TIME that needs to go into this, for something that's not even the majority part of the keys, on top of the games own stability. It's honestly unfair to me, and I don't feel like I'm alone in that..


    And for the record-- no I'm not some entitled jerk who expects something for free or super easy. I am willing and always have been willing to work for things-- but I feel this is just way too much for the payoff involved. They know the games issues. It didn't need to be added to. And as an event, it shouldn't be so miserably unfun that it makes one question why they even continue to play years on. That's all I'm trying to say!


    Thanks for the attention!

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