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Posts posted by criticalnature

  1. 4 minutes ago, MassiveEgo said:

    ... Our case is that there are way too many people that just don't get past learning how to deal with basic boss rotation. Those who learn fast, progress to clearing mechanical phases and the dungeons as a whole, while the rest need others to compensate for their inadequacy. This is where the segregation occurs. These who excel at rotations and mechanics, do not have ANY incentive to pick up the slack for those who do not. And your "static" rewards increase will not change this. People won't suddenly get an inspiration to group up with randoms. They'll do what they know works - form statics with people who are on their level of proficiency or better, so they can extract the highest amount of profit per unit of time invested. Meanwhile those who have problems learning rotations and mechanics, will just be stuck in the "try-die-respawn-try again" limbo until they eventually give up - this is the most common scenario you would encounter in this game, since a single player who goes full potato is more than enough to completely nullify a party's chances of succeeding in a dungeon run. In normal mode it's not that hard to salvage, but in hard more is a completely different story and there is no place for underperforming members until the dungeon becomes obsolete. Unless you have some remedy for this disparity in player skill levels and learning abilities, I don't see how your system will improve our curreny situation...

    I agree with what you say, I think implementing this system would further hurt the game, and worsen the current state of the game. What would be potentially more interesting is experienced based Expert/Trainee systeem -- But I have no idea how it could be implemented in this game. (discuss) :-) Give people incentive for running with inexperienced players.



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  2. 20 hours ago, Puril said:

    As much as i like the idea of new (classic) server i do feel the need to remind you however this is nc. Sure they'll keep the new server p2w free for a while (i give a 2 months tops) then the small rng boxes start to make their appearance, followed later by medium ones up untill the moment they bring the big nukes. Before you realise it your/our *new* server will be polluted beyond saving point, same as main. New server will do nothing but give a little breeze/refresh hope........untill it comes slipping down the road same as main.

    I think a classic server would be the final nail in the coffin for BnS as we know it. The idea of splitting an already rapidly declining population would not be a good one. Saddly enough the state of the game is not strong enough to support such a drastic move. As I stated before, they will release the archer for a tactical playerbase retention and small gain for a time. But I fear that with the repetitive  nature of the game & toxic nature of the community it will not be enough sustain players or retain new players. 



  3. On 25/8/2019 at 2:28 PM, Grimoir said:

    they were removed to make sue new players get to level 60 as fast as possible and can start grinding the end game.

    The sad sad reality of the game - remove content to makesure that ppl can get to the mindless grind.

  4. 21 minutes ago, SViper said:

    Anyone have any speculations when Archer will hit global servers? Asking this, because wanna recommend this game to my brother, but he mostly plays MMO and Diablo style games as Archer. So that's the main reason why I wanna know when Archer is coming.
    Thank you in advance.

    My guess is 17 September, thats when this event ends and the next starts. It is also a tactical moment to try to retain players with the start of the new school year. But if your brother plays diablo, he will likely not enjoy this.

  5. 1 hour ago, Snowyamur said:

    I didn't make MMO-Populations, so I wouldn't know if it tracks the player activity across all regions, but I think it does.


    However, what's important to understand about MMO-Populations is that their tracked MMO player counts are based primarily on active Reddit subscribers and users for the respective MMORPG Reddit pages. The actual player count is not as accurate as it's shown, mainly because getting accurate player numbers for any MMORPG game is very difficult unless this data was publicly released by the leading industry that developed the game(s).


    What makes the site good, though, is that it provides accurate comparisons between different MMORPGs as they are ranked against each other. So for Blade & Soul being at Rank 14 might not be accurate considering there are some dead MMORPG games not removed from the charts, but the fact that it's up there is a compelling argument against the fact that the game isn't dying.


    If there are still players talking about Blade & Soul on both Reddit and general social media platforms, it means the game's community is still active, and with that comes the assumption that in-game, there is an almost-equal number of active players as well. It's just about being on at the right place at the right time to find said players.

    I also assume that the algorithm from mmo-pop.. is counting all players that connect to the game from every region. The kind of numbers the game pulls there seems to be heavily askewed, 180k + daily players - with a playbase like that you would have to be in the golden age of MMO's. (when compaired to other MMO's via steamcharts, FF14 - avg 19,000 Daily, ESO - avg 13,000 daily.)

    I think it may be safe to say, While BnS Asia is holding steady the general interest from BnS Europe/NA is declining, which is something we are all witnesses to.

  6. 11 minutes ago, KzE said:

    People pointing to it, because the reorganization part was true, same goes for the decline. So the source doesnt really matter. Its outdated news already.

    The source always matters regardless of how recent or outdated something is :-), but it is undeniable that there is a decline.

  7. 2 hours ago, KzE said:

    ... It was already hinted, if things will turn in to even worse state, they will discontinue the western release ...

    I've seen this mentioned a few times on this thread but I can't seem to find anything as reference to them hinting this, can anyone source it?


    Otherwise, it is clear that the state of the game is not fantastic and seemingly declining which I assume will only get worse once school (apart from the tactically placed Archer Release) has started again for many ppl. Naturally us posting about it here will not really help unless the publishers really want it to help.


    What hurts this game the most in my opinion is;

    • repetitive nature; I think it is pretty clear what I mean with this but in case it's not, Every week the same dailies, the same weeklies, the same events.
    • Cash Grab mentality; Instead of making the game more accessible to all players the developers have given a clear advantage to players who cash shop (myself included) by selling items which are required to progress - Gem Powder for example in the cashshop. By doing this there is certainly always demand & a very limited supply for the general playerbase which ensure that players who are new to the game get shot double in the foot as they can not afford to buy it from the auction house.
    • Lack of support;  When the one of the most used support answers is "check the forums" you know you have a problem. Or when things are clearly bugs and the response from the devs is "It's not a bug, it's working exactly as it should... boss dominates everything that moves without showing aoes"
    • (while similar to my first point but not the same) This game is a constant grind: I feel like the slogan for Bns should be Blade & Souls; Keep up with the grind or get left behind. In a game where players make x alts in order to stay above the grind limit, like Grimoir said earlier in this thread, they have 10 characters where they do the daily/Weekly stuff on to make money and farm mats. This is ludacris (for me, not judging ppl who do it) that the game is that much of a job that people are "ok" with having 10 characters to do the exact same thing on every day, of every week, of every month.  I play games after work to enjoy my free time, not to balance another full time job.
    • Lack of Social Community: This links into the aforementioned job mentality of the game, people stop having time to be social and only want to burn through everything to go do it on their other chars.
    • Increase of Toxicity: In general players seem to believe and practice this, it is easier to break people down the build them up, as long as this is the general mentality of players here the new players will continue stopping shortly after starting.

    While I am not stopping the game, I still play every day, I can definately see that the community is changing and getting smaller. Many of my friends have quit and many of the people that I thought were becoming friends left as well lol. 


    Oh we are all on this rollercoaster together, lets see how fast it goes!




  8. Yes, Yes, I know, this is my first post on these forums but hey why not.

    There is no individual factor in Blade & Souls which could be used to say it is not Pay to Win.  While I have not been playing so long (only since January) I can't understand how anyone would try to say that all players have equal possibilities to gear up and progress through the game. It is clear that there is an advantage for the side of the credit card.


    I cry everytime I have to buy gempowder to upgrade my gems! But they are a perfect example of changes made to the game to make it even more pay to win then it was, which only hurts the playerbase. The number required of gem powder for a single upgrade to the none dyad square gem is (254 - so roughly 4,191 gold without refinement cost 4363.90 with costs)  so... in total 26k gold is required to get your 6 gems to gilded square not obisidion or garnet.


    Now explain to a new player they have a 26k gold investment to look forward to when they want to get good enough to play with the big boys.


    ** price estimation is based on current market prices assuming you buy them from the auctionhouse.

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