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Everything posted by Murderbirb

  1. Bit late to the party here, but anyway- Whether you died during the pull or not has nothing to do with boss drops - it's RNG. Final bosses are important, and consistently have the good stuff - prior bosses, however, have a tendency to drop just consumables or soulshields that aren't exactly useful anymore, so that part is pretty normal. I'd run it a few more times for whatever it is you were looking to get and see if you have better luck.
  2. My dude, slow your roll about "you people". I can easily sustain over 500k, so if you think I'm begging, you are right out of your mind. If anything, I'm sorry you're this triggered over a simple suggestion lol
  3. Here's the issue. The boss being dropped to 184 mill is great, grand, and amazing, and I'm 100% thankful for not having to cry over 600+ mill hp in a solo event dungeon, but having an enrage timer of 3 mins bars a chunk of people from getting a fraction of enjoyment from this event, and it did the same for turtle. I can understand high hp and lower enrage for a party instance, but solo? 3 mins sustaining over 1 mill dps? Keep the KR enrage timer of 6 mins and you easily drop the needed dps to a bit above 500k, which opens the accessibility just enough to please most of the playerbase and still let the whales enjoy their big dips ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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