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Posts posted by Manaci

  1. So with the next raid coming this patch, it seems to be the perfect time to update the out-dated prices of the older raid currency transmutes.

    Like why does it still cost 5 GOLD to turn a Raven King's Soul into 3 Raven Feathers? Same with Hive Queen Hearts into 3 Hive Queen Feathers etc.

    One would even say that there should be no cost since the Weapon --> Soul Shield currency ratio is so low anyways, but to be fair, it should look like this.


    Raven King's Soul --> 3 Raven Feathers should cost 1g to transmute

    Hive Queen Heart --> 3 Hive Queen Feathers should cost 2g to transmute

    Grand Celestial Steel --> 3 Grand Celestial Feathers should cost 3g to transmute

    Blood Rose --> 3 Scarlet Bloom should cost 4g to transmute

    New Raid Weapon Currency --> 3 New Raid Soul Shield Currency should cost 5g to transmute

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  2. On 3/25/2020 at 10:47 PM, Cyan said:

    We're reaching out to the development team for verification. 


    Thank you.

    @Cyan Any news about this? Opened 6/12 Armory Chests so far and 0 Jewels and there are 0 Jewels in the tooltips of the 7-12 Armoy Chests too. Hopefully they won't just get added into the chests after and people miss out cause they have opened them already, just notifying to make sure that doesn't happen since I really need these Jewels right now. Maybe add some vendor that opens up the more chest you've opened already or just mail them out. I could buy them myself but then I would just be annoyed getting 130 extra that I would have no use for at that point :HajoonConfused:

  3. It's already insanely easy to acquire the Dungeon counterpart, so at least have the Solo Dungeon part remain as it is. You will be using this Bracelet forever, KR doesn't even have a replacement for it yet. The Sandstorm Temple bracelet only requires you to have done it 10 times to be able to buy it with currency you can do 2+ year old dungeons for. On KR you can't buy the bracelet with currencies and people still need it.

    Another thing is that this bracelet is part of the 3rd Gen Dungeon set, the same generation as the upcoming ring and that one will require a new set of Dungeon currency to buy while the bracelet for some reason can be bought with Hellion Cores. This is likely  because NCWest have no idea that the 2nd Gen Bracelet is actually Divine Dragon/Tiger Bracelet because there is no 1st Gen Bracelet.

    Just be grateful NCWest gave us an easy 3rd Gen item which they 100% shouldn't have. :phew:

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