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Posts posted by 200IQ

  1. 7 hours ago, Sophronia said:

    People were getting sick of broken 3rd specs. Force master has a 6 second godmode and blade dancer has a half-working static summon. If you are making OP specs, either give them to everyone or don't give them to anyone. People were getting angry at the huge gear gap between F2P and P2W, oh sorry, it's pAy To PrOgGrEsS. People had had enough of being called a mentally disabled trash alt because they could not catch up to whale tiers F2P way. People were getting annoyed at having to farm pve dungeons for pvp accs. Just remove the ability to swap them to pve and add them to the bg trader for 25k points or smth. People gave up on 1v1 when every trash sin or destroyer would get to plat solely because of their broken 3rd spec. People lost hope on getting improvements such as a simple 3 second countdown timer before 1v1 match start when the participants have loaded in. People were hoping for an actual balanced 6v6 but all we got was a one button fiesta even with all the dmg reduction and skill dmg modifiers for pvp. We have so much gear now that all this dmg reduction and modifers are useless. 


    It seems to be that whoever is responsible for leading the game in this direction has little idea of what to actually do with a game like this. Follow the trends instead of working on what the game is good at. It went from one of the most spectacular fighting games to a soulless generic pve grinder. We have bdo for grinding. What made them think they could compete with better grind-simulator mmos? Hence, low playerbase even after UE4 and dead pvp. 

    Exactly this.

  2. Our region sure is hanging on a thin thread thats for sure.
    Never before have the population of this region been this bad. Not even back in 2018 when the game had a big dip of xx amount of people leaving. 
    Yes yes people that play daily and think ''still many that play dude'' ye thats not my point. 
    My point is the game keep losing players. And don't get any new players. And the new people that actually manage to try the game past the story, they leave right after they see how much they have to grind or pay real money to catch up to new content.

    Yeah they can do old content but they will do it alone (In a multi player game) So its only natural for them to wanting to do the latest instead.
    Where ''everyone'' else is. But doing that while way under powered and getting carried all the time suck out the fun in a game. 

    Bns could be a much better and bigger game in Na/Eu if they only did their job and listen to the community. But that train have left a long time ago. 
    All the ''old foxes'' Or whales or what you now want to call it are long gone. Or they sold their accounts and moved on. 

    There is no return from that. And to think as a company people are so naive so they spend money on our regions version are actually very baffling.
    And a bit of bad mentality to have as a company. I am not sure anymore if thats how they see it or if NcWest actually just have giving up completely on the game. 

  3. There is a simple answer to this. 
    Bcz NA/EU Don't have any staff. Everything is manged from KR. 
    If a major bug happens, will na/eu have to wait for kr to fix it. Or send a patch (Can take long time if they even care at all) 
    We still have bugs in the West version of bns that Kr fixed long time ago but ''forgot'' to fix on this side of the world. 

    Also things like, season pass, soul pass, F10, and so on. Are also ''orders'' from KR. 
    If kr finally says ''sure you can have season pass'' Then and only then will we get it. 
    And the 2 people that still work here in NA will say ''oh ok, sir yes sir'' 
    And continue to have no clue about the game whatsoever.

    Thats why. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/22/2021 at 7:40 AM, Nicolee said:

    How are they cheating?  If the game allows one to repeat a dungeon that gives good experience, how is that cheating?  It's not a 3rd party program, its becoming an expert in the mechanics of the game to optimize payback.  The gold can only be gotten once a day, but the XP, you are complaining that some dungeon gives more XP than you think it should, and that the game allows people to repeat those dungeons as much as they want.  People don't get this: the rules of the game are what it enforces.  You are not claiming that they are breaking the game rules or using a 3rd party cheat program, you are complaining that you don't like the game's rules.  There are alot of people who have issues with various game rules -- but that doesn't mean anyone who follows those rules is cheating.


    You seem to think anyone doing things that the game allows that you don't like or disagree with is cheating, consider this -- games have almost always had hidden easter eggs or prizes for those

    who explored and tried out everything in a game.  Many times those were put there on purpose for those who tried everything in a game.  They were not cheats.


    This is why I really don't like multiplayer games -- in solo-play games, I can do anything I can do, and never have to worry about unhappy or mean people complaining about what I do.


    Dude you missed the point completely and started talking about something else for some weird reason. 
    No one here care if someone spam a dungeon or farm exp. 

    The problem here (And i can't believe i actually explain this) Is that people download 3rd party software, and with that software are they modding the game and changing how it behave, making them getting advantage over people that play with ''vanilla'' launcher, 

    Here are some examples of what you can do with multitool / bns buddy. 
    • Remove load screen 
    • Make you load faster in Arena. 
    • Remove cool down on dragon pulse. 
    • Combine / make spells behave in a different way. 
    • Skip cutscene 
    • Accesses all outfits in the game (Only visibel to you) But take away the need to buy them. 
    • Make your ping better and ms better. Witch lead to more dps and faster everything. 
    • Global cooldown disabled. Also known as GCD 
    • XML = Change files, remove files, edit files, to your liking. It can be all from macro to a specifik color on the game. 

    If you want to go ahead and call that ''ester eggs'' then yeah, no reason to keep talking with you bzc you clearly don't have a grasp of what you talk about.  

  5. 21 hours ago, Kogaruh said:

    BnSBuddy was never made to abuse and can't edit GCD.
    It's the community that abuses our tools for unfair advantanges and/or laziness.

    Don't put everyone on the same ship.

    Bns Buddy is still a third party software tho, witch make it against tos. What do you mean ''don't put everyone on the same ship''? 

    If you use something to get advantage over someone that use vanilla launcher you cheat. 
    I don't see why or how someone would try defend that? 

    This whole ''dude i only cheat a little, let me do that ok'' I don't understand that logic. 

    Yes the game suck, and the devs are bad, and the game have bugs and so on. 
    But thats how they made it. A Bad company. Having to use or fixing the game with a 3rd party software just so you can play a online game. 
    Well no comment on that one, bcz its just fkt up and they don't deserve players at all tbh 

    But trying to defend that behavior is just weird and wrong. 
    ''i only drove 50 over the limit, i didn't do like the car ahead of me he drove 100 over the limit'' 
    Nice logic 🙂

  6. 9 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


    That event, to get the True Heart, was absolutely horrible.


    It was fun when players would align to spin and take turns!
    But then Crimson had to ruin everything ... and randomly kill anyone...


    And the True Heart is completely useless.

    NCSoft was too lazy to fix the pink effect, so, they just retired the item, with a lazy warning on it.


    It's sad, really sad...



    But this event absolutely sucks.

    In my opinion, it's the 2nd worst event.

    The worst event ever was the summer event where you would lose your items if you don't pick them in 5 seconds...

    Fish, wait 5 seconds, lost item forever...

    Ncsoft west gave up on the game long time ago. Even our own community manager is glowing with her ''staying away from the game'' 
    She haven't answered to @'s in over a month now or on direct massage. 

    But players are like ''i will give the game one more chance / only one more event'' 

    Literally hundreds of people have stop playing this event. Big clans are dying bcz people stop log ing. 
    And some ''whales and addicted people'' Only play on raid days. 

    The game had its run, its been 5 good years. But it seems like it finally hit the end. 
    When you have to spend 10-15 min to find people with LFP in f8 on a Saturday on prime time. 
    Then you kinda have it on ''paper'' that the game is as dead it can be. 

    Sure the game still have players, And some of them are bots to make the game look populated. 
    even seen it self, even tested to whisper one. and it said ''not a player, try again'' 

    Don't get me wrong tho, i have played the game from 2016 on launch. I would never stay this long if it was a bad game. 
    But the last straw is probably drawn for me and many other people i use to play with in the game. 

    75+ Friends in my F4 list. Last month only 4 have been online. It says a lot. 
    and over half of those 75 was very geared players.. So called ''whales'' 

    Bns in kr is super good and they have a team of devs and supp that care about players. 
    Bns here in west are super dead. You can't even get the community manager to answer in over a month. You know doing her job. 
    We don't get answers on bug fix, we don't get answer here on forum from staff, we don't get answer on game related things. 

    Sooner or later will more and more players realize this and they too will stop play. 
    Its just a matter of time really. Most people have already realized it, and some are close to do it. 

    Tbh i don't even think we will get season pass or soul pass in our region. Bcz it would be ''to good'' for us. 

    Stuff like that is just sad, we don't even have sf 3rd spec yet. Even if the game files already are added and have been there for over a month now. 

    What other game company could get away with that? 

    W/t Its sad that bns got to this point. And its sad to see so many people leave at the same time. But it is what it is i guess. 

    I too will also leave the game now after 5 years. On to the next one. 

    - Over and out. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Cor said:


    It's a valid complain though, who likes investing lots of time or money into their char then see other people do more than triple the amount of dmg with a new char with no effort. It would be very weird if people wouldn't be pissed.

    Yup it is. And it will probably lead to even more people stop or quit playing. The game already took a hard hit on player base.

  8. 59 minutes ago, Iconic Stuff said:

    No one is complaining because other peoples DPS has no effect on us. In fact, it helps us clear dungeons faster. Why would we complain about that? They will eventually get nerfed anyways.

    Its a matter of jealousy and envy. ''omg i spend ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ load of money/time on my character and can only burst 50 mill'' Now this new class come and ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ on me and my progression in the game. Time to complain about it so literally nothing get changed. 

    Thats the logic here. 

  9. On 10/13/2021 at 6:21 PM, Ether Retsu said:

    everytime game lagged, always dc, when u can't repait it, then remove this crap already, i am sick of this crap for the god sake. UE4 is biggest joke here. Yes, its pure hate topic

    Bcz 80% if not more of all players use Xml and Gcd. And don't you dear tell them thats the reason. Bcz you will get 5 pages of reasons on how its their right to use it and why its good for them to do so. 

    But if you use a little bit of logic and think of it a bit. 
    Kr have x4 servers, if someone use xml it won't be noticeable probably. 
    NcWest have x1 server. 

    Now with that math we take some assuming numbers just to make a point. That NcWest have around 2-3k players + Alts. 
    When koldra happens, almost every player do it. And right after they killed first dragon they log their alts. 

    Now what will happen to a server if all players log in / log out different characters at the same time. 
    Its not hard to figure out right? 

    You could say its like open the doors to a store on black friday. 
    Simple math. And adding to that xml / gcd users. 

    I get that you are sick of it and a lot of players are. But most things are actually not the games fault. Its the community. 
    And the community hate to admit it. Bcz you know arguments like
    ''i wouldn't use xml if ncsoft fixed their game'' 
    ''i need it bcz i can't play without it bcz my iq is below 55'' 
    ''i have always used it'' 
    ''i can only install the game with bns buddy / multitool'' 
    ''if the trash company allowed us to customize the game we wouldn't use xml'' 
    ''i need to skip cut scen, and im to lazy to press Esc'' 

    And soo on, i think you get my point. 
    It would be easier for the server if people played normally but why would they. 

    ''If there is a way to cheat, will some people always do it''
    -Sherlock holmes 1855. 

    Ps: It is Ncsoft fault for allowing Xml / Gcd That part is true. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/13/2021 at 8:31 PM, iAtonement said:


    It's good to know that I don't have time to browse these things too often. I'm not with the game 24/7

    Tbh thats just a cheap excuses. 
    If this take you 24h to read then yeah i can understand why you miss things. 
    Just admit instead that you don't know where to look for information. 

    Starting on October 13, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 1:00 p.m. CEST, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 4 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start.

    Please note the following changes during this maintenance:

    Lamps (Antique, Pristine, Wishing) and Armory Chests no longer share the same cooldown

    Tower Trader Kangcha now lists the Custom Beast Master costume for the correct amount of Echo Challenge Tokens.

    Dragon Express:

    Martial Remnant exchange has been re-added.

    Armorer's Remnant exchange has been re-added.

    Angler's Pearls exchange for Polishing Cloth and Armorer's Remnant has been re-added.

    Iron Conqueror’s Capsules have been re-added.

  11. 12 hours ago, Cor said:

    Of course they listen to nc korea it's the same company. There is no developer - publisher relationship here nc korea is their boss.

    Nah not exactly correct. They listen to most things yes. But kr actually want us to have some things and NcWest tells kr to remove it again. 
    Example things we have in dragon express, exp charms, transmute items and so on. NcWest like to live in 2012. And are probably doing this bcz they are short on staff and have no way to help players if something would happen in-game. Kr are already tired of babysit West region. 

    Yes i know what i talk about bcz i actually talk with people that play and live in kr. And get info from their forum and chats. 

    NcWest deliberate push back patches for some weird reason. And if you want more examples i can give you some. 

    Sf 3rd spec is already added in game files and have been there for over a month now, but we won't get it until mid November i would guess. 
    Summoner 3rd spec was in our game version in Feb, we didn't get until April. 

    Players asked for hp nerf on f8 dungeons ncsoft also nerfed the drops (No one asked for that) 

    I don't know where people get this idea from that Ncwest only follow orders from kr. Bcz thats its so not the case. 
    Ncwest get all patches and so on from kr yes. Buuut Ncwest also turn things off / remove it from the game. (10 mill exp charm as example) 
    They have more power over the game and how it progress than you think. 

    • Like 2
  12. 20 hours ago, FeuchterLyn said:

    Any non permanent ban is litterly like no action at all.

    I can understand warning people that did their first offence but most if not all of them had several offences in the past.


    The biggest issue i have with this is the player/scripter/programmer or whatever you wanna call it who creates all the cheats is publicly known and his char names too. This guy should be hardware banned but the worst thing ever happened to him was a perma ban on some trash call to arms free lvl 50 voucher char back with godsword.

    Or how players publicly ask on reddit and discord ''i need help installing bns buddy / multitool'' 
    and ncsoft just look the other way. What other mmo game would allow that?

    Public show and tell make guides about xml and gcd. And again ncsoft just ''Oh look here instead''. 

    So maybe you can see why i am skeptical if 20 ppl got banned for farming exp. 
    When 80% if not more use xml and gcd bcz they don't know how to play the game, and ncsoft don't care. 

  13. 16 hours ago, Immunity said:

    we play the game to get better, to do more in less time, to get more/higher rewards in less time.

    buffing all content just invalidates months worth of my progress.

    taking more time to do something = less rewards per time.

    oh and they removed all loot from the "easy" bosses too...


    is it fun to do a dmg rotation and you see 5% hp gone from a boss when you finished that boss before in that same dmg rotation?

    not to me.

    * Except they didn't remove all loot from easy * 
    Where do you even get that from? 

  14. 20 hours ago, Immunity said:

    casual players do 300 runs of a dungeon in 2 years, not in 3 days.


    before the patch i could do many more dailies with my main and my alts in the same timeframe, now i just skip my alts beause it takes too much time.

    there was a cta event with a real easy mode before where almost everyone could solo every dungeon (and the dungeon list was much longer than now).

    i could run all normal modes solo up to cc in few minutes, now the few dungeons in easy mode in full party take much longer.


    the game isnt a fulltime job. the game should be entertaining and fun. the easy modes are not easy, they are very hard for casual players.

    Whats your point tho? 
    you are not suppose to do 300 runs in one day either. yes you maybe could solo a lot before ue4. But thats not how the game was ment to be played.
    and they finally fixed it. Why would anyone want to solo something in a mmo game. Why even play at that point? 
    And don't give me ''its faster'' Bcz if you gonna do everything that is faster then don't even launch the game. You waste time the same second you log in. 

    Like you said bns is not your job. Its entertainment and yet everyone act like its their job with. Cmon dude, faster, hurry, move faster, pls, time wasting.. 
    Literally no logic to it at all.  

    Also if you do 3 runs a day or 30 runs a day or 70 runs aday it won't matter. Do as many you feel like you have time for. 
    But try and lose the mindset '' i want to solo '' I find it funny that players only have this behavior in dungeons. 

    You can 2 man most raids, bt, sk, vt, But that they want full 12 players for. No time wasting there? 

  15. 20 hours ago, FeuchterLyn said:

    So why did we have a dps requirement of like 1 Million to solo everything till CC in UE3 for several years ? one would think if thats not how they wanted the game to be it would have been changed way earlier.

    Should is an assumption but sad truth is they do have problems. Aside from Story not giving even close to 1900 ap new players mostly have no idea how to play their class which is normal pls dont say something like "their fault". Soul fighters using Right punch 24/7, Assasins never using their Tab skill....... most new players hold simple mode and think they do maximum they can do with their class while in reality its maybe 30%.

    There are some like that but majority stays to easy mode cause they know they need gear but they dont know how much gear.


    I simply think atleast easy mode which to my knowledge is like 90% hp reduction from normal mode in Korea should be soloable.

    I havent done dailys for like 2 weeks now and only logged in for Master Hong and the cat lady to get pvp gear cause it just takes to much time.


    If you are done with CTA you need to start Normal mode and i wouldnt mind that if i could find groups but i wont search for half an hour to run 1 dungeon and search again ! If easy mode had less hp i would atleast do the dailys but its just a huge waste of time.


    I am one of thoose waiting for HP nerfs till then i am happy i quit pve.


    ''So why did we have a dps requirement of like 1 Million to solo everything till CC in UE3 for several years ?'' 
    - We didn't tho? What players asking for is not same as (You need this to do the content) 
    Also they gave up on everything in ue3 and had all focus on getting out eu4 as fast as possible. 

    ''Aside from Story not giving even close to 1900 ap'' 
    - For now yeah, In like 1 or 2 months will story give thornebreaker stage 3 and tiger soul and some other stuff. 
    Witch will give players around 1900 ap when they are done with story. 

    ''pls dont say something like "their fault" ] 
    - I have never said that anywhere so why make an assumption like that? 

    ''easy mode which to my knowledge is like 90% hp reduction from normal mode in Korea should be soloable.'' 
    - Were is this urge to solo coming from? You play a online game, why is it so important to solo f8 content? 
    is it a nice ego boost or is it giving you a confirmation on how pro you are? I can't understand why you would download a mmo game and then complain bcz you can't solo stuff. Players could solo stuff in ue3 bcz they where way ahead of in gear compared to what the content needed. It also made people quite bcz to most people be able to solo everything in a mmo game is just not fun. It also kill off the game and make it worse for new players. 

    Bns already have a lot of content you can solo, and they keep add solo dungeons. I don't see why they would want to add that option in f8. 
    And if you now have so big demand to solo everything. Start gear up your character. 

    ''If you are done with CTA you need to start Normal mode'' 
    - No you don't. If you are done with call to arms event then you can do whatever you feel like. 
    ssp (soulstone plains) 
    Mushin tower 
    Solo dungeons
    Easy mode / normal mode (even hard) If you find people that are willing to do mech. 

    ''If easy mode had less hp i would atleast do the dailys but its just a huge waste of time.''
    - If you see doing daily as huge wast of time then don't play the game. Find something else to play. 
    same second you log into the game you start wasting time, the question is how you wast it. 
    And all dungeons already got a hp nerf. If you want to nerf easy mode even more then i don't know what to say. 
    i think you want the game to be so stupid easy you can watch netflix while holding one button. And thats not what ncsoft want the game to be. 

    • Like 1
  16. 13 hours ago, Uskdara said:

    I agree that the dungeons are too difficult for the current level but the fact that you measure things by AP shows you have no idea what you're talking about.  With the hp nerfs easy mode is pretty doable in c2a gear.  You're not supposed to solo them and the mechs do a ton of damage if you bother to do them.  A large part of the reason f8 is so dead is because people got used to ignoring all mechs and soloing content cause it was too easy.  

    Things should get better in November too when we get mythic items.  The challenge level 1 mythic dungeons will give best in slot gear be a lot more accessible(300m hp instead of 2b).  The real issue is just that.  We got such a random mesh of patches completely out of order.  We're mid skill changes and balancing patches so things like WL TD and Sin are broken(in different ways).  We got dungeon refresh without mythic gear or the breaker system.  

    ''You're not supposed to solo them and the mechs do a ton of damage if you bother to do them.'' 

    Thats so true, players got spoiled on how stupid easy the game was back in ue3. And now when that changed are they confused, mad and who know what more. I am so out of the loop from the community that i am probably the only one that welcome the change about hp and difficulties in dungeons. 
    Walk in and one shoot almost everything wasn't fun and it just made you not wanting to play anymore, at least for me. 

    I think new players don't really understand that bns is a mmo game and not a single player game. If they have 1.9k ap and lfp all dungeons in f8 they should not have any problems doing them. If they aim after higher levels, like normal or hard mode then they also should know that it takes some work on the character. 
    To me it just sound like they think its a right as new player to be able to do normal/hard mode with fresh call to arms items. 

    And most of them won't even want to do raids so they get past thornebreaker tier unless they get a carry raid. They will be stuck at stage 9 until bns do a new event. Or buy from raids sellers. And that is sad, concerning and pathetic at the same time.

  17. 40 minutes ago, Kalionz said:

    Why do 3k ap/ 2yr + players always comment on new players behalf? Like just shut up and let them discuss with each other instead of you bringing your bias into every discussion in the forums... 

    Oh bcz i thought this forum was for everyone and not just new players. Call 911 if someone force you to read what the 2yr+ player are commenting. 
    The one that need to just shut up is you dude. And let people comment what they want. Or report them if they break the forum rules. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Ketsueki Tenshi said:

    3-4 days, I grinded my ass of with other players.

    Resulting in doing 75 runs -100 a day

    Thats not to bad actually. 
    And very doable in easy mode / normal i would guess. 
    If now only more new players could be a bit more like you 😛

  19. 38 minutes ago, Ketsueki Tenshi said:

    That's what I did, make unity stones and compound stats to a decent level gave me a big boost.

    Also ofc finishing cta event stage 12, and farming pet gems in primeweald.

    Then I farmed tc 300 times for uzume gear, and I am close to 2.4k ap now as a new player.

    So I think some people just are stuck because they not know what to do.


    It is very possible as a new player to get on a decent power level, and that will make you gain some respect.

    And if you actually gain that, then people are more likly to trust and take you with them.

    It's just most people think they get anything for free, including a carry.

    I like helping other new people like me, and I am not a fan of those raid sellers or cheats being used.


    But... if you not even willing like me to do the bare minimum of getting stronger...

    Then you not respect your own charackter or progress, so will others not respect you in return.

    Specially if you not even want to learn mechs or get stronger, but just free carries.

    Newbies want take advantage of the old, and the old of the newbies it seems, it's annoying, work on yourself first.


    https://ibb.co/VY4my0s F2 Of my Character, since you people always want prove or whatever. ^~ ^




    Just out of curiosity, how long did it take for you as new player to do 300 runs?   

  20. 5 hours ago, Askaria said:

    sorry genius ur wrong here, this isnt about learning mechs much anymore. ever since september when they copied the KR client for UE4. it has been more about gear than it has been about mechs. 


    sure u can do normals with 1.9k pleb gear but how long will it take u? more than 10 mins +. back when u were just born into BNS in 2017 it didnt take u 10 mins to clear a fkn boss nowhere even near that. barely 5 mins per boss and ur done. 


    I ve played this game even longer than u have and i know the difference. ive played every dg and raid before the changes.


    they have massively upped the gear requirements now with easy normal and hard to even clear in a feasible time for farming. now its the more gear u have the more quicker u clear regardless of mechs, sure u need to do some mechs but now its more about the gear. i would be fkn amazed if someone was able to do HM bosses with 1.9k ap in less than 5-10 mins without a carry. used to be about skill and ppl learning mechs now its almost mostly about gear. u urself as an endgame player are you even going to let a 1.9k player join ur pt and do HM dgs even if they know mechs? i dont think so. the fact that you dont think so proves my point. They even still the OG min requirements of GC3 from like 2 years+ ago on the recommended weapon list. ROFL


    its not even about entitled players or too hard the problem is the gear progression system is complete garbage right now. 


    get off ur bum and try leveling gearing a new character in the system of today, we will see if ur talk lines up then. 


    I cant get why endgame players are veiling the issue when they themselves are unwilling to try the system on a new character themselves before talking. if ur at the end your obviously gonna look down on ppl who are more new. i was like u once as an endgame player looking down on newer ppl thinking their complaints were nothing but complaints, but now im more reserved because i at least tried the new system and seen the issues myself before i complain or talk . maybe u should too?


    You used a lot of false assumptions there dude. I actually started playing 2016 on launch day in January. 
    And i don't look down on new players i don't even know where you get that from. And yeah i would probably take a 1.9k ap player in hard mode if the players knew mechs and where willing to do them. Not just say ''i know mech'' and then ignore doing them just to join the party. Bcz yeah that happens a lot. 

    Also everyone that do this call to arms event have way over 2k ap when they are done. 
    And they will change story gear soon. So all new players that join after call to arms ends will also have better gear. 
    I have level new characters a lot of times so i know what i talk about. I started a fresh new account not long ago actually. 
    You know to do all content in the game you only need around 15 mill dps. Bm raid is probably questionable but you can for sure join a raid with your 15 mill. 
    But all other content f8, world content and so on. 10-15 mill is more than enough.  

  21. On 9/27/2021 at 7:56 AM, LlamaDude said:

    And please god dont say "Hurdur theres circle and den of ancients" You know damn well those solo dungeons are not completable without some high high end gear, just add some nice and easy solo dailies 

    This complaints that you do and other players do will never end right? 
    Where is this entitlement coming from? Other games or what? 

    We use to do BT with 150-200k Dps. Same raid as you guys have now, same mechs and everything 200k dps. 
    Now people 2 man it. You can damn well do both circle and ancients if you take the time to actually understand what to do in that place. 
    They even nerfed the hp when we got ue4. 

    If you want do just brain dead face tank it then yeah go for the end gear strat. 
    But if you are a free to play new or re-turning player then suck it up and start learn game mechanics. 

    Most people in this game (Yes most) Had to learn mechanics and figure it out and make guides. 
    When we got BT (Black tower) And other raids, we didn't had anyone to ask. We had to enter the place and try and try and try. 
    It was rewarding when we actually completed it. 

    Today people have poison mindes with the whole
    ''omg it take 5 min to kill, i will leave this party'' 
    ''lol doing mechs fk that i will leave'' 
    ''boss take 10 min to kill pls Ncsoft nerf the game its to hard'' 

    Its time you guys with that mindset shape up and get real. Or find a different mmo game maybe go down in age while you all are at it. 
    Bcz apparently is bns to ''hard'' if you ask most people. When in reality its just lazy entitled people that want everything to be so easy they can hold one

    button and dps. 

  22. 39 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

    On all my characters i just choose a dungeon (easy mode), click "enter dungeon" then click "recruit" before i run into the portal.


    and before i even reach the boss while clearing trash, the party is already full.


    So i really dono where you get this "it takes 40 minutes" idea from.

    Its just a rant, nothing to take serious. ''game is dead'' With 1 million active players. But maybe thats dead according to some people. 
    And also i don't get the logic in bns community anymore. 

    ''lets download this mmo game witch by the way stands for massively multiplayer online game'' 
    And then complain bcz they can't solo dungeons. 

    1 they should get more gear so they can then. 
    2 they should not play mmo at all with that mentality tbh. 

    anyway tldr. Some people are never happy. 

  23. On 2019-06-28 at 10:55 PM, RagingPhenix said:

    WTFrack ? I replied to this saying that Reshade has an effect for the colorblind. Who's the Einstein that deleted that post without saying anything ?
    Anyhow here is a forum thread about installing it, since i'm not re-linking the youtube guide in case that's why my post was deleted, not that I would know cause someone didn't bother to inform me as to why it was deleted.



    I guess it can be worth to test at least 

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